Today is the official day of my 100% completion of TRA (except for those damn timetrials). I will say that the game was wonderful graphics-wise, as well as experience-wise; it was really nice to see everything again, although I was disappointed somewhat with the shortening of some levels (ahem, the Cistern!). For some reason however, there seemed to be a lot of bugs, things that would work right one minute, but give you hell and have you cursing Crystal Dynamics the next. For instance, Lara would fall off ledges. Well that is fine right? You would expect her to slip sometimes; but you would also expect her to grab the damn ledge and not fall to her death. The wall run is a perfect example of this; works fine sometimes, other times it had you tearing your hair out. The Great Pyramid level was the worst experience- it took me 3 days to get past the one jump with that thing. Other than that- I would give the game at least a 9.5... everything was great except for the little quirks that just really pissed you off sometimes. And the commentary CD included was an awesome idea.