I agree with MS that the XB1 has caught up with PS4 on the appeal of the console itself. XB1's backward compatibility and the introduction of XB1 S at the same price point as PS4 are both big pluses. The big non-game news I heard for the PS4 this year is the price hike for PS+ and the entry of PS4 Pro at $400 without a 4K UHD player. Yes, Xbox users have been paying $60 a year for XBL Gold for years now, but a price hike is still a negative. The PS4 Pro is in the precarious position to be not quite as useful to people who want to watch UHD movies, and not as powerful as the Scorpio for gamers.
Sony needs to get their heads in the game. The PS4 has not driven the XB1 from the console market yet. The combined global sales of both consoles have not even matched the sales of either Xbox 360 or PS3. It's still anybody's market.
What's the current match up? XB1 S v. PS4. Scorpio v. PS4 Pro. Can anyone say that just looking at the two consoles, disregarding game-changing exclusives that may or may not materialize, that Sony is ahead moving forward?
@runstalker: If Sony and MS's console release schedule become staggered, I worry the game release schedules will be even more messed up. You see the symptoms already. Consoles are now expected to play games built for weaker machines not just because of nostalgia, but because the shelf life of some games have not expired before a more powerful system is out. Other games have to receive remakes or releases or upgrade patching to avoid the appearance of obsolescence.
One of the biggest advantages of consoles over PC is consistency. Game makers know exactly what hardware their games will use for several years at a time. Although PC gamers, I am one, pride themselves on always being on the cutting edge of gaming tech if they elect to invest in it, I do not think a constantly and incrementally expanding envelop of tech is beneficial to the broader digital entertainment market. Companies should take their time with a new tech, release it, then go back to their R&D labs for several years working on a new generation, and let the broader market saturate the hardware they just released.
I am hardcore on game content, casual on gaming tech, so I hope the release of the Pro will reduce the price of the PS4.
I am worried that since the PS4 Pro will be less powerful than the Scorpio, Sony will release PS5 substantially before MS releases Xbox (Two?). We will then have an asynchronous roll out schedule for these two consoles, which will be such a headache for game developers. I don't see how that can be a good ting.
As no strangers to lawsuits on trademarks, Samsung thought its DMCA notice would pass Constitutional muster... why? Were they just trying to intimidate the little guys/gals? Good thing Alphabet is big too.
Like so many compromises before it, it has the benefits of neither and the drawbacks of both. Good thing the PlayStation has a diverse array of other games.
@piiitabyte: I am still ignorant of some of your facts.
First paragraph:
Are you saying that Luckey "sh!tposted" somewhere? I did not find such an allegation. Let's not even get bogged down on semantics and just define "sh!tpost." Are you saying that Luckey either (1) engaged in "misbehaviors and rhetoric on forums and message boards that are intended to derail a conversation off-topic, including thread jacking, circlejerking and non-commercial spamming." (per knowyourmeme.com) or (2) posted " 'content of aggressively, ironically, and trollishly poor quality'[1] to an online forum" (per Wikipedia)?
Are you saying that Nimble America is a known perpetrator of "sh!tpost" and that Luckey, being a CEO, is behaving unprofessionally by associating with that organization. Actually, if Nimble America were a such a perpetrator, I lean toward agreeing with you since the private life of CEOs tend to affect their company as well, same as other public figures.
Second paragraph:
If only all public figures would think to keep their mouths shut on matters that do not concern their business. No, that's cruel. They should be able to express their feelings outside of work. However, your point about professionalism of CEOs remain valid. It is a price they pay.
Third paragraph:
When did Luckey insult Hillary Clinton? Can you quote something?
Final thoughts:
You bring up an important point about political views under the sun. How did TheDailyBeast get Luckey to talk about Nimble America? I didn't really think about how they got the scoop until now.
@whatsazerg: I don't know about the far right, but the right does has given me a strong impression in this election of supporting the right to self-determination of individuals. People own guns and associate with certain people and adopt certain values, or not, as they choose. The left gives me the impression of, "How can anyone in their right mind feel that way? How can we not all get along?"
@piiitabyte: Construing available facts most favorable to Luckey's critics, I am going to assume The DailyBeast's article to be true. (http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/09/22/palmer-luckey-the-facebook-billionaire-secretly-funding-trump-s-meme-machine.html)
1. Luckey allegedly posted a statement, shared by Cody Brown (https://twitter.com/CodyBrown/status/779135745135116288/photo/1).
2. Luckey allegedly told TheDailyBeast that he is a donor to NimbleAmerica.
3. Luckey may or may not have posted that statement as a member of Nimble America; I could not find a specific allegation in TheDailyBeast article.
4. Nimble America allegedly posted this statement which mentions "sh!tposting." (https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:6-3q-m6OyY4J:https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/5353i4/announcing_nimble_america/+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us).
5. Nimble America is allegedly started by people, whom based on what I read in TheDailyBeast report, may be of questionable character.
6. There are also other complicated matters involving other Donald Trump supporters.
Let's assume all these allegations are true. Can you be specific on:
A. Why Palmer Luckey is or was "unprofessional"?
B. Why his actions was "just wrong."
I don't understand it, so I am asking your clarification for which acts you find wrong and why, referencing only allegations that have actually be made. So, "Luckey is supporting harassment" or some such generic accusation would not be sufficient basis for this discussion.
Some of these game developers are giving liberals a bad name. "It's our way or the highway because our values cannot possibly be wrong." I have seen a lot of this kind of arrogance lately.
@Beelze333: I don't mean it like that, but it's a connection. A white man in feudal Japan would be a curiosity and would certainly experience events and interactions differently than a Japanese samurai. How much does the game convey that sense of difference? Is he discriminated against? Do women find him more attractive? Are there cultural barriers?
Geralt from the Witcher, which I think resemble William a bit, has a unique identity due to being a Witcher. I get a strong impression throughout the game that being a Witcher is being different, even when some characters do not treat Geralt like a freak, which leaves an even deeper impression.
A white samurai who goes through the game materially similar to a Japanese samurai might would make the whole premise offensive.
Unfallen_Satan's comments