I can't wait for Crysis 2. This is going to be the next game I get.The first Crysis was amazing. Im probably going to get this one on360 though because of xbox live, friends, and achievements. I dont think that the 360 version will be lacking anything, just maybe minor graphics differences. Besides, as strange as it seems, I may actually prefer controllers to keyboard and mouse. I used to love keyboard and mouse when I wasonly a PC gamer. I still need a keyboard and mouse for StarCraft, Quake III, and the PC games Iused to play. RTS gamessimply dont work on consoles in my opinion. However, Im getting off topic. Crysis 2 is going to be great. I played the Multiplayer demo and it was awsome. I also heard it is in New York which is awsome because I can play in my city.
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