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UnknownMerc Blog

off to university

summer is nearly over and I am off to the University of Toronto

getting some gaming in before it starts, then off to uni and (hopefully) med school:P

new sporadic entry time! woot

Last time I reported in was way back in the middle of first semester. First semester was hectic, but it wrapped up nicely in the end. Socially, it left me dead in the water but my grades survived enough to ensure I have the slimmest chance at university. Second semester has rolled around and it's not the godsend I was hoping for. Little game playing going on, what with homework and my PSP breaking. I did find time to 100% VCS and LCS during Christmas break, though.

Lots of stress right now

School is keeping me very busy, especially with my tight schedule.

I've beaten Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror and got 100% completion, and I'm working my way through GTA: Vice City Stories in my spare time.

Nooooo.... it's almost over!

I always hate it when summer begins to wind down. The first month back to school is always the worst. I have to worry about going to university as well. I have a heavy course load this year, and it's exacerbated by my decision to take AP Calculus.

I bought Chili Con Carnage about two weeks ago and I put in about 12 hours into it. It wasn't too long, but after a while it gets boring trying to achieve all of the medals and the unlockables.

Progress in GTA: Liberty City Stories has been slow. I beat a few dirt track courses, but they're very hard. I also managed to finish the Paramedic side mission.

I purchased Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror today and beat the first episode. It's really fun, and really blows away my perceptions of what a portable game should be. I hope to get into the multiplayer; I've heard good things.

Summer's really dragging on

Summer vacation is about half-way done. Exams went pretty well. Been looking for a job to pay for this expensive hobby, but no luck yet. I got a new PSP, which sucks because a week later Sony announced the slim PSP at E3. I got Liberty City Stories with it, and I've pretty much burned through that. Put in about 50+ hours and I'm about 90% completion.

March break = gaming madness

March break is almost over, sadly. It's too bad that it's only one week long.

I took the time to beat the remaining alternate missions in True Crime: SOLA, and I've put some time into Agent Under Fire. I beat it after putting it off for so long, and I got Platinum medals in 8 missions. I also beat XIII a while back; it was awesome.

exam week over

Finally wrapped up all of my exams and I'm not eagerly awaiting my results. They were pretty tough, and I'm lucky that I didn't get several exams in one day. All that's left now is my computer science summative project. Nothing's really happening in terms of personal stuff, other than that I'll miss some of the friends I've made this semester.

As for gaming progress, I've gotten 97% in True Crime: NYC and beat True Crime: SOLA with all three endings. Planning to get back into XIII soon.

Back to the grind

Holidays are winding down now, so it'll be back to school soon. Physics and computer science have me weary and tired.

I've been playing a lot of Vice City in my spare time, and edged in some True Crime: NYC, Deus Ex as well as some Burnout 2 with some friends.

Holidays are coming soon

Classes are wrapping up for the holidays, although there's another month before my semester ends.

I get two weeks of free time and I think I'll catch up on a few games I haven't finished. I might consider getting a new console but none of them have looked very interesting.
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