and all it was is that theyre going to put the game in the box with my new system when they send it out.
UnknownPerson55's forum posts
mine is launch also. i was hoping it wouldnt happen, but had that feeling that it would. i hate that my launch ps2 is still going and this isnt. but i got a good amount of time out of and my hard drive was out of space anyway.
I got the yellow light this afternood while the system was downloading the welcome back games. I looked into the service route since Id rather do that before I fix it myself, and it turns out that Sony is offering a new 120GB model for $99USD so I figured that I would take that.
My question is: How long does it take for Sony to send back a disc if there is one in the drive and impossible to get out without taking the system apart? I want my Portal 2 back lol.
ive been able to run thru the game, not stealthily, killing pretty much everyone in around 2hrs. but if you play like youre supposed to play, itll take around 5hrs w/o cutscenes. about 15-20hrs with cutscenes if youre good at the series.
it all depends on your play style, i for one dont care for the assault rifles in this game except for m16a4 and ak47. i usually am a sniper but do use the ump45 quite a bit.
It's a lot better than Tomb Raider, I'd say. Besides, Pitfall Harry was snatching South American treasure long before Boob-a-rella came on the scene with her short shorts.
hahahaha that actually makes me laugh....agreed too. :lol:
theres also a glitch on planet mukow after you do the arena where you go to fly to another planet and you see code instead that i get all the tim when playing tod...usually i helps to do all of the arena challenges to make the glitch not occur... i dont know if this is only for me tho :P
that glitch was frequent with this game when it shipped...i got it too back then
some insomniac people said that if you delete a said amount of material from your hdd that the problem will be solved...cant remember how much tho...i just deleted the demo of the game.
hope that helped
Here in Ohio we have the Castle Law; you can kill any intruders to your home without question of whether or not they were going to cause harm to you or your family...sort of a 'if they could, they will' thing. So yes, I would call those actions justified; although I don't think that I would use a sword.
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