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UnknownSurvivor Blog

Yay job!

Took me long enoug, yeah yeah I know. But anyways this means I can finally get DSL and not have to deal with 4kb/sec dl times... Maybe I can actually enjoy being in a major city in WoW again. But anyways things are going pretty good, having fun with my shaman enjoying endgame. I don't really know what else to type... had a girlfreind for a little while, she turned out to be a drama queen whiny little emo gothtard... but oh well. Dosen't help that her and another of my ex's have become freinds. >.< Eh not gonna kill me just gonna annoy the crap outa me and god knows I get enough of that from my brother. Anyways back on topic... YAY JOB!

Just another day in Purgatory...

    Well for the past couple months I've been floating along, still haven't gotten my ass into the local communtiy college to get my friggan GED, haven't managed to get a job yet, not for lack of trying though, and of course still stuck with Dial-Up so I haven't been around for a while.  Anyways I'm still playing WoW way to much, finally got my Shaman up to 60 and am enjoying endgame more than most people, oh and I play on the Thunderhorn server under the name Leigon for whoever wants to drop me a line. Anyways since probabaly no one reads my entries anyways I'm just talking to air, or the browser, or whatever...

Yay even more crap...

Well it's been a crappy year so far, hopefully it will get better this summer, but ya never know. =/

Well on the happy notes I finally got System Of A Down's new cd and it kicks complete and total ass, so go buy it now. WoW is still interesting as all crap so I'm still playing with it way to much to be considered a mere obsession.

Oh and it took me about 24 hours total and about 3 damn days but my computer is finally back up in woorking order, I wiped Home Edition off and upgraded to Pro, completely wiped my drives and started all over again, and my computer runs like a dream now so it was well worth it.

On the crappy side I left that pizza place, mostly becuase my new manager was a prick, I still don't have DSL, and I've had about 5 mental breakdowns in the past 2 weeks alone =/. People are stupid, I'll leave it at that....

Yay another boring (somewhat) day in life.

Alright, I'm still doing my WoW-a-thon, and it's still as fun as the moment I signed on, found a great guild (Black Watch on the Thunderhorn server) and have gotten my main charicter up to 34 (orc shaman) and have 2 level 15 alts (orc hunter and orc warrior) and plan on messing with some more soon.

I'm still working at the crappy pizza place, just how long that will last is anyones guess. But with the cash I should be able to get DSL soon, well if I'm lucky.

Anyways I'm just gaming and working (with the occasional party or friend coming over at 3am) but all in all only the working sucks.

Yay job and WoW!

It took me long enough but the wait is finally over I got WoW and it is the best game I have ever played. I officially hand Blizzard my life and money, becuase I will have neither during my next 3 year WoW-a-thon.

In other news I have also just gotten a job at a pizza place, which wouldn't be so bad if the place wasn't falling to pieces, but meh I get money so I'm happy.

Oh and on one last note I'm not getting the computer that I mentioned in earlier Journal posts, seeing as how the guy I was supposta buy it from decided to give it to his little brother a week before I finally got the money. Great eh?

Well I guess 2 outa 3 isn't bad, but man I wanted that computer. =(

Woot I might get a job...

Well it seems that this really great pizza place right next to my school is getting beer taps and they need 18 year olds to get a alcohol handlers licence(sp) becuase half the staff is to young, but it might be a while, but I'm over there after school almost every day so it would work out nice. And hey if I'm lucky I might be able to get a nice car and new comp (maybe not the one from my freind, depends on if he decides to be a butthole or not. But all in all, I'm fairly happy, I might even be able to get Half-Life 2 and World of Warcraft as well as pre-orders for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and F.E.A.R.

Heh heh heh I'm happies......

[end useless knowledge/]

A very blah x-mas ... woot ...

Well so far I still haven't gotten my fathers x-mas/b-day money so I'm still using the crappy family computer. I did get a couple of nifty games over the holidays. For x-mas from a freind I got Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando, which is fun as hell and I already beat. The only other game is from another freind of mine, he wanted to know what game I wanted for my b-day and I told him to get me a cheap copy of the first Ratchet & Clank, but instead he decided to get me a nice new copy of Metroid Prime 2 which I haven't messed with yet. They did give me back some games they've been borrowing since this time last year (exageration) my favourite being Eternal Darkness, which I am finally beating. I realize now how much I love this game, it's great, but I haven't really had the time to mess with it, so I'm almost about to beat it. Well on another note school started back up, so I'll have even less time to mess with my beloved games, and I plan on getting a job so goodbye weekend also. But hey at least I'll finnally make enought cash to get the really awesome games out there (and if I'm lucky a cable connection). But my big x-mas present was just a bunch of magizine subscriptions including Electronic Gaming Monthly, Computer Gaming World, Game Informer and Popular Mechanics and Science, all of them are 1 year subscriptions except GI, which I got a huge 3 yrs of. But pretty much I just had to deal with my family and getting almost nothing except clothes for x-mas. But hey, hopefully a job will clear that right up...

[/endrant] (err in this case, useless knowledge)

Yay new comp.

If I'm lucky and my dad dosen't decide to be a dickweed with my b-day/x-mas money then I am getting a nice computer from my friend for around 150$. This thing has a nice AMD 2200+, a 64meg GeForce2, an 40 gig HD, and a single CD-rom drvie. Now that may not seem like much, but for only 150 bucks thats like dirt cheap. Oh and the thing already has XP pro, and service pack 2, and WMP 10, it also has (get a load of this) Doom 3 already installed, but with this thing I can only play on lowest settings, and the framerates suck even then, but oh well it's Doom 3 for cryin out loud.

Oh and this is great, my Grandparents might get me some nice new computer parts for x-mas. If the budget allows then I'm getting a 80gig HD and a nice DVD multi-drive. But that all depends on what my they think of my new 'passtime'.

My Mom's pretty liberal about most things, but for some reason she's been getting all pissy about me spending so much time on the computer, it's weird, she never really griped at me before for it, why all of a sudden? Gahhh. Oh and it's going to be so much fun next semester, I know I failed this one class, and my mom said she would cut off my videogames time completely if I did not pass this class, so I don't know if she'll stick to that or not. God I hope not, I have nothing else to do, except maybe sit in a corner reading all friggan day, but I already do that while I'm smokin so who knows. And I had such wonderfull ideas about what to do with my new computer..................
