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Somebody please tell me what Sony is doing...

Wow, that was a horrible press conference. I'm still a little stunned and disappointed at what just happened.

Ken Kutaragi just got up on stage. Hundreds of journalists in attendance and millions of fans around the world had waited since E3 2005 for this keynote. It was to be Sony's coming-out party. After the letdown that was E3 2006, this was Sony's Last Chance to make a huge splash before its vaunted PS3 launched. We expected the works; oodles of huge game demos, a bevy of trailers, massive new feature announcements.

We wanted to see how games had taken advantage of the tilt-sensitive controller in the four months since E3. We wanted to hear about how the PlayStation Network Platform would bring PS3 online gaming up to par with Xbox Live. We wanted to see lots of near-final builds of games we will be buying in two months.

What we got was a long, boring speech about how PS3 could become great sometime in the future, when Internet speeds are a lot faster. :roll: Oh, and they showed videos of Ridge Racer 7, Final Fantasy XIII and Afrika. That's it.

No demos, no announcements, no features, nothing. Just a long diatribe about the potential of the PS3.

Well, in the words of one immortal fanboy, "I don't want potential. I want the goods! Show me the money!"

Seriously, it's getting to the point where it seems like Sony doesn't want the PS3 to be successful...