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And now, ladies and gentlemen the moment you've all been waiting for. . .

The ninth annual . . . OK, maybe not the ninth annual. The second bi-annual. . . aww screw it, the whenever-he-feels-like-it list of games that Obi Asad wants to own.

(fake applause)

Thank you, thank you. You're all too kind. And without further ado, here's the list.

1. Valkryie Profile Lenneth.

Something to pass the time on Sony's doomed portable gaming system. I say doomed because it's only a matter of time before Nintendo finally beats it into submission worse than it has already.

2. Valkryie Profile Silmeria

According to Jirair, and he's never wrong about RPGs, this is a great game to own. Plus, when I play games in a series, I like to own all the games within said particular series.

3. Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops.

I was never a fan of the Acid games so this game will be a refreshing change of pace and a return to the roots.

4. Grand Theft Auto Vice City Stories

I'd rather wait until they port this game over to the PS2 (if they port it to the PS2).

5. Killzone Liberation

Why not?

6. Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent.

Again, why not? Plus, I have all the other games in the series. Except Essentials, I heard that game blows.

Well, that's it. Now those are the games I want. The actual reality behind whether or not I'll own those games remains to be seen. (I'll be lucky if I get one). Peace!