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TOP 5 Video Game TV Spots/Ads/Commercials!!!

While working on my latest blog, which should be done in about a week or so and is also a list, I decided to also put together another list of things I also have a passion for: Video game commercials!

The following are what I consider the 5 best video game ads that were ever televised. Now in order to better narrow the list, I am going for a more artistic approach. I'm leaving out the humor commercials and banned ones we all love (So don't ask me where the Legend of Zelda dance is, or the breast feeding zombie of RE4 fame), and instead am going to focus on the ones that try to convey a feeling towards the game that makes us want to play them!

Note: Most of these are next-gen/newer games, and I only considered US ads. I may expand this list in the future, but for right now I threw it together based on all ads that I have personally seen.

5. Kingdom Hearts (Simple and Clean by Utada Hikaru)

Just a great short commercial that we'd all see and go "That looks fun! Disney! Yay!" plus it uses Utada Hikaru's Simple and Clean, which is the theme song for the actual game. The spot for Kingdom Hearts II is essentially the same thing but with Utada Hikaru's Sanctuary (Passion) playing, so technically that could also be considered, but this was the first one we fans probably remember the most.

4. Gears Of War (Mad World by Gary Jules)

We all expect metal or some sort of rock/techno when we see ads for new shooters, but this was an ad that actually caught our attention and created a sense of sadness and hopelessness, which in turn made us wonder what exactly the game was about other than killing alien invaders. This ad was released signifigantly earlier than the game was, so it only helped pump us all up for something that was at the time (And kind of still is) the most gorgeous game we had seen. It only got better when we actually played the game and realized it was as badass as this commercial. Like Kingdom Hearts, the commercial for Gears Of War 2 which features Deovtchka is also fantastic, but I tried to single it down to one commercial per series.

3. Prince of Persia (Saeglopur by Sigur Ros)

AH! Good ol' Sigur Ros, the band every film trailer editor loves to use. And theres a reason for it. Not only does it create help a sense of peacefulness in this ad, but also has that gorgeous sound to match the gorgeous graphics of the game.

2. Tomb Raider Underworld (Gorecki by Lamb)

This one wasn't shown a lot on television, and the game didn't really impress the critics because of its short length, but this ad is still fantastic. Like most of these there is a shorter version that is also just as good as the long version. The transitions through each scene are what makes this so good, great blend of cutscenes with structured game play.

1. Lost Odyssey (White Rabbit by Jefferson Airplane )

It's amazing that Lost Odyssey didn't sell better just based on this ad. Even without it, it should have. Highly overlooked game with great mature themes and characters not often seen in RPG's, Lost Odyssey is going to be a cult favorite when we look back years from now. Probably the most random pairing of a game and music, but it works so incredibly well that no one really cares. I remember being surprised that they showed the full thing on television, because it is lengthy, but you can't help but be compelled to watch it.

Note: I am linking to youtube but you guys can also find these on if you can't watch.

Thanks for reading, keep playing!


Mines, Caves, and Sewers, oh my!

Through out the history of video games, we have seen a multitude of settings, from castle structures to spacecrafts and deserted wastelands to, well, other places. As gamers we traverse many areas that come off as casually to us as eating Cheeto's and drinking soda pop, because we are purposely putting ourselves in these worlds to escape the ever persistent harsh reality that is our existence. I won't use the "L" word because I know we all try to avoid that.

But alas, in all our years, or at least in all my years, there have been a few areas where I literally start dying a little inside everytime I approach them in a video game. Lets go over them in detail to full identify and analyze their flaws.

The maze like sewer system.


A common thing in ANY game these days. I wouldn't be surprised if the next Madden took place in a sewer. The problem with sewers is that they always look the same, regardless of what time period, or art **** or genre you are in. Of course the only true exception for sewers is anything involving Mario and Luigi, because its their job so we can excuse them for it. In this recession we can't be too picky. Oh and the Ninja Turtles, self explanatory.

Next, the often blue toned, caves.


You know theres a monster in the back, but its the only way to the next town so what can you do? Finally, the abandoned, sometimes haunted, mines.


My least favorite of all of these listed, because it for some reason is the most common in one of my favorite genres, the RPG. If I never have to push a rail track lever again I will be content for the rest of my life.

Now why are these so awful? They all share some common traits that I've hinted at above, that I can further expand on.

1. Levers. Switches. Blocked Stalagmite, and less annoying, the occasional gaseous matter or lava. How many times have we as gamers just wanted to force our characters to squeeze through some sewer grates instead of wandering around for 3 hours in search of a lever? You know you've done it, don't act like you haven't. Don't get me started on mine carts.

2. Repetitious, often bland design. This still surprisingly stands to this day, even with our enhanced graphics systems. Sure, its a very pretty rock, but its still a black, large, in-my-way obnoxious one. As I mentioned, blue and dark gloomy colors are often the used tones.

3. Labryinth like designs. This goes along with number 2, because the designs just make it worse. Maps hardly help, because everything is often shaped the same or patterned alike. Even worse, sometimes the inaccesible areas are even shown on the map to cause more chaos! I'm looking at you again sewers, with your flowing dirty water we must avoid but stare at as we circle ALL the way around for the fifth time.

4. Monsters. Fine this one is a stretch, because we usually have some form of boss or enemy at the end of every level or pathway in a game, but these areas seem to expand even more on it. A vicious sewer beast, a big spider at the end of the caves blocking your path, and usually some thieves or possessed miners (Not "minors", that'd be weird). They seem to be a bit more proud or have a very "special" monster that adds some sort of effect to the game.

5. Ghosts. You'll usually run into a few storyline possessions or monsters that try to spook you. If I were in such a situation, I'd be more worried about breathing in the air in the sewers or eating #$@% on a mine cart or rock as I explored, but to each his own. These settings seem to be the most frequently haunted too. Why? Because people die in them. Of boredom, of confusion, of stupidity for not just following a walkthrough after a day of repeated cursing.

Some games these days are trying to stray away from these places, and it's a good thing. Of course you will always find remnants of them in any place you go to, and at least if you do come upon one of them it will look slightly better if not more of the same. They have become a staple for a reason, because they ARE pretty important places. I mean where will you not find a sewer? Caves and Mines are usually pretty close in quality, and can even connect to one another, so theres that. In fact, I'm sure theres a game where all three places have connected so some protagonist and his crew can escape from an evil lord who has held them prisoner, escaping from the prisons, to the sewers, out into the mine shafts and outward of a cave into the world known as breathing. Speaking of prisons, they pass the test for usually being an exciting moment in most games, and are usually mandatory, but I'm still keeping an eye on them. Which leads me to my final ramble...

Before I leave you all with a word of advice, let me warn you of one other place not mentioned that is slowly but surely building itself into the fourth place position of this list of hellish areas. The ruins.


Only less annoying due to a bit more creative approach and usually a shorter length, these areas will usually consist of stone and possess at least three of the qualities listed above. So be careful.

Now as for my word of advice, don't breathe the air in the sewers. You just know theres a lot of @$#% down there.

E 74 at my door. No sad music plays. Evil Corporations win.

If anyone has read my recent posting on the OT forums ( then you know that I recently had an awful weekend of evil corporations and red rings of terror.

Today I sent out my Xbox 360 to the repair center, for the third time in its lifetime because of the E 74 screen of death. I wished it a safe passage, but with my recent luck I am scared for its well being. I can only imagine the terror and pain that it will have to go through, them ripping out its insides and pretending to assess situations that Microsoft doesn't even know about.

Unfortunately I can't even relax because my Ipod has now been wiped of all of its internal juicy organs, for some unknown reason. My pod is no longer a pod because the years of music I have saved up are now gone. Of course I expected something like this, my music is a big deal in my life as I'm sure plenty of people understand, but I almost screamed in pain as I realized the horror, mostly due to the stress and frustration of the previous days of my week. Technology, which I so rely on in this day and age, has turned against me.

I fear to turn on the microwave, due to the possibility of a tumor. The toaster now stares at me as a flytrap for my fingers, and the fridge is no longer keeping my arnold palmer cold. So many things that surround me now feel as if they want to suck the remaining life from me, of which there is not a whole lot.

So I blame the corporations.
Microsoft for screwing me over for the third time (Although I appreciate the easy to use care system), Square-Enix for being satan itself, yet still having power over me and forcing me to continually play the majority of their games (OMG FFXIII LOOKS SWEET!!!), and last but not least, Apple, for slowly tricking me into buying music (Only a dollar? OK!) over a vast period of time, while keeping me in chains with their products (Is this computer authorized for your Ipod? Well too bad, you used em all.)

I commend some of the lesser video game makers and companies that respect their players and consumers a little bit more instead of looking at us as a number on a graph.
Cryptic/NCSoft has always been pretty nice, Atlus makes great affordable games, and I'm sure other people do that can't come to mind right now, but the point is we don't notice the hypnotism upon us because we are consumers, thats what we do. Consume products.

But no longer will this poor, starving, college student fall for the reins of these evil evil business men. A new day starts, if the toaster or anyone gives me a dirty look I will use force. I now carry a squirt gun in a holster. By the way, does anyone know when FFXIII does come out. Looks sweeeeet.