@percech @udubdawgz It's not that I can't "deal with it" or have "lost touch with reality", ask anybody who has been a longtime member of the site and most, if not all, would agree with me on this one. Yes, its the internet and I realize that its never going to be perfect. But its one thing to have a meaningful, argumentative discussion while still respecting someone else' opinion and to just be rude and hateful because its the internet and you can hide behind your anonymity. This site used to have more of the former than the latter, and lately its gotten out of control.
Rigt on point Danny. Gamespot used to be a place for me to have active and meaningful conversation, and as a result a lot of users have become close friends even though I've never met them face to face. Chatroom 0 during live shows was always a blast, and often after a live stream we would all hop online for some Burnout or GTA or whatevr happened to be a hot game at the time. But because of all the immaturity and lombasting and hatefulness that has crept into this once fine community I found myself shying away from the site I use to love so much. I would love to see this once thriving and wonderful community of gamers get back to what it used to be.
Kevin, I do the same thing when a game has roadie run. I use the side of my index finger on A/X and keep my thumb on the right stick. Thought I was the only one who did that!
When I first saw a teaser for the show my immediate thought (and I'm sure I'm not alone on this) was that the game was being spun-off. A name change is probably best for both sides.
UrFaceIzDum's comments