yeah dawn of war 40k has a very low unit cap but i believe there is a mod that you can get to fix that. as well there are all the comand and conquer games which don't have unit caps. Comand and conquer zero hour has a very good mod called shockwave which was actually developed by the same team that made zero hour and it is one of the best game mods i have ever played adding tons of unique units for every team which makes it a unique experience each time you play.
ii had to get a third xbox replaced and the waranty had worn off so they tol me $99 to get it fixed but i thought that was BS. So i asked for the supervisor and got her to get me a new one with a waranty for $50. A week after i got it it had the same problem as the one i just sent in (disk lense went out). So i contacted them and they offered me some crappy games or some other BS but they also offered me a wireless controller and i ended up selling it to my friend for $40.
well first of all the spartans are just like those of old time where as they were raised from birth to fight. The whole project was kept a secret and when they were takenthey were replaced with flash clones so tyhat the parents would not notice.They get raised from birth and are taught how to fight. lster they got surgical enhancements that boosted there speed and endurance and about 1/3 of them died from that. Later they recieve there mjolnir armor whick makes them even quicker and more perceptive.They are the only ones who can use the suits because they have metal over ther bones so the sudden movemont of the suit wouldnt crush them.
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