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Now a officer in Undying Evil Union

Now that i'm an officer I hope to help save this union. Though work takes up my time, I hope to contribute to this union, and make it the best horror and evil union around.  If you were a member please come back and help us grow.

3 different companies, 3 different paths

I don't understand why gamers keep comparing Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo to each other. I mean, for once they seem to be going there own way. At last, no more follow the leader.

  Microsoft seems to be sticking with the average gamer, and I feel they are offering the best online service out of the three. They don't rock the boat with a high price or a lower graphic powered games. Sony, on the other hand, has an expensive but powerful system. You get what you pay for. It seems that they are going for a high-end system with lots of bells and whistles. Unfortunately, good quality cost money. This is just a different approach to gaming. Then there is Nintendo. By far, the most innovative, but the least powerful system. They seem to be going for everyone else. The system is the most in its controls, yet the console is quite simple to use. The hardcore gamers may find it too simple, they understand the games are fun to play. If the "graphics" are to weak for you, then obviously this system is not for you.

  I'm sorry most may not be able to afford all consoles, but then you probably shouldn't. Do you like a great system at a reasonable price, with great online service, then get a 360. Do you like fun games, a unique approach to playing them. Do you have a smaller budget, like a company with long history of good gaming, then buy a Nintendo. Are you able to afford a high quality system, with great looking games. Do you like a company that can, has, and will produce a great product, then buy a PS3. Please people stop comparing apples to oranges to bananas. Just support gaming as a whole.