10.11.2007 13:00
...didn't like video-games as much as I do. They saying, it's a waste of time and it's too expensive. One of them, let's call him "M", drops by every once in a while, and I show him the latest Games I've picked up. It started years ago with GTA3, ICO and Kingdom Hearts on PS2, then Jet Set Radio Future, Conker: Bad Fur Day and Ninja Gaiden on XboX and finally P.N. 03 Resident Evil4 and Killer 7 on the Game Cube, and many many more on these systems. Every time he leaves, he said: " Wow, they make a huge improvement over the last time I've watched and played!" or " Looks like they take another step forward!"
And the there was HD; first Game M sees was "Saints Row". To see the real difference between SD and HD, I've fired up GTA:San Andreas, in my PS2 off course. "Wow!" he says, as we played Saints Row, " this Picture is so sharp, that I can see so far into the City, it's amazing !" The same he says about Lost Planet, Viva PiƱata, Gears of War and Rumble Roses ( sooooo sharp !).
Last week, we watched "300" on BluRay, first time he saw a HD-movie, he was like:" Wow (He likes this three letters) I'm pressed ! I need a PS3 !!!" Finally, I've put in "Heavenly Sword", to show him one of my latest purchases, played a bit of Kai's mission "Cable Railway" or ("High-wire?"), told him all he needs to know about Sixaxis(TM), aiming and shooting, well it's basically like most of the games he plays for years, but he will never learn ( What is R1 again ? :) ) and gave him the Controller.
He had so much fun !
Sure, steering Kai's arrows towards an enemy is quite difficult for the first time you play, so he missed nearly every shot, he was like "ooooooohhh shhhhhhh!" as he gave a soldier a close shave and like "baaaaammmmmm!" as he landed his first head shot.
Then I've showed him the same Sixaxis(remember the TM) use in Nariko's mission. I've took out 2 Catapults and 3 Dots of the third, passed to Controller to let him take out the forth Dot ( 1:27 left) and the 700 Soldiers part.
" And this is the same game ?" he asks. "Sure M," I said, " but the main part of this game is starting now " as he moves on with Nariko."Push square and triangle sometimes " was my advice, and he starts to push all of buttons "Am I doing this ?" he asks as he was hacking and slaying through the bad guys "This game looks beautiful !" he says, as he stopped and looked around.
Out of breath, he gave the Pad back to me, and I've played the part where Nariko start to use the Heavenly Sword. "Wow, this looks different....ey cool.....ohhh how you do that? ....hahahahhaa..........uuuhuuuuh...........ewwwwwwww........nice..... what's the name of the game again ?"