UruweDe / Member

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The Death of a Box

It was August 25th as I called Xbox Customer Service Switzerland, and told them my problems with the Red Ring of Death. Maybe three week before I saw these Lights the first time while turned off my Console via the Controller, and then they coming back constantly in shorter periods until they stay forever. So they, the service folks, send me the cardboard box. I prepare it, called UPS, and Mr. Hill picked it up in a Doug Heffernan-Style on the 28th. I tracked my package from Zurich to Frankfurt over ups.ch, and two weeks later I got my Box back, with a new motherboard, a 1 Month free Xbox Live Card and the best regards from the Microsoft-Team.

So, thanks again to very nice Service Lady onthe Phone, UPS for the Take-good-cake-of-my-Baby and Right-on-Time delivery and the Box-Healer(s), making it work again. And all of this for free. ( Well, of course it's a 3 Year warranty, but I just want to mention it !)