Wii Friend Code: 3008-2177-0533
Add me. Now, for presents.
A Wii.
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed for the Wii.
Guitar Hero: World Tour for the Wii, with a guitar.
An iPod Shuffle.
30 quid.
A beanbag with a tray on it. I'll scan the picture on the tray in future.
An electric guitar with amp and spare strings.
Lotsa glowsticks.
So yes. ADD ME ON WII YOU SAUSAGES. And send me your codes so I can do the same for you. ESPECIALLY IF YOU HAVE GH:WT.
~Sayonara, but just for now.
P.S. My name on the Guitar Hero Community is TheyAreNext. Seek me and add me now. Before my wrath rains down upon your soul.