Really? I was just curious because I was listening to Invisible Walls and they all said they didn't. Okay, now I don't feel so bad!
VCWilson121's forum posts
Did you actively participate in the massacre and kill innocent people, or did you stand back and watch?
Just curious. I actively participated. I didn't really think there was another option :-/.
I cannot feel sorry for anyone who gets charged my Microsoft because they did not know it auto renews. I mean, how could you not? You don't even have to go to the contract to figure it out. Aside from common sense, after you make a purchase, it goes back to the account information page which says "Auto Renewal: On". When you guys get older, you'll understand; things like auto insurance auto renews too.
I think it's creative. I like how they turned the blood splatter into a scene of the game. I don't know how it's controversial though. You know, on most covers, there are actually huge guns on them rather than someone using their hand to symbolize one.
If the campaign doesn't matter to you, why would you even consider buying Halo 3? ODST has the exact same multiplayer as Halo 3 but with all the maps, a Reach Beta, and Firefight.
I much rather would have a great campaign instead of great multiplayer. Multiplayer for a specific game will eventually die out, leaving just the campaign left. For example, there are not as much people playing Halo 2 now a days as there used to be. I understand the need for multiplayer in many games like Halo, COD, Street Fighter, and UNO. However, some gaming companies are starting to think that EVERY game must have multiplayer! That is completely false. There are some great FPS games that don't have multiplayer like Half Life 1 and 2 and Bioshock. games are just getting carried away with their idea of multiplayer. Honestly, do games like Max Payne 3, Bionic Commando, and F.E.A.R. 2 absolutely REQUIRE multiplayer? Stick with writing a better story first.gr8scott
LoL BioShock 2 has jumped on the multiplayer bandwagon now too!
If you want those maps, you might as well get ODST. It comes with those maps and a couple new ones. In addition to that, there will be the Reach multiplayer beta and a campaign.
DMC4 for the Xbox. Overall though, Final Fantasy 8! That was the game that got me into gaming, and that opening movie captivated me. I mean, the music, the visuals, everything. It was beautiful!
I think the mass hysteria of XBL going out yesterday proved where the industry is heading: less campaign and more online gaming. In fact, I know people who buy games and don't even play the campaign but go straight to multiplayer. With this though, the campaign is suffering and you can tell with the increasingly shorter campaigns. Do you guys care about the campaign and the story aspects of games, or is online gaming the most important aspect for you?
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