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A personal gamer achievement i'll never forget

Just about anybody who knows me personally as a gamer knows of my affinity for rail shooters. It has always been a genre I've found to be special, a genre I have much respect for, and a genre in which some its games are my favorite and most memorable ever.

I think the game that started it all for me was the original Star Fox for the SNES. I game I wanted as a kid for a reason I just can't explain. There was just something about it that appealed to me. I guess you could say I simply have a natural affinity for the gameplay, a genuine interest that I did not voluntarily desire.

Over the years I have had some of the funnest, most memorable and most satisfyingly challenging gameplay experiences in my life through rail shooters, especially with the Raiden series. Years ago, back in the days of the great console I know as the Sega Dreamcast, I remember seeing a brief video of a certain rail shooter. I didn't have to see much before I realized the gameplay drew very deep interest with me. To make matters more pleasantly surprising, the developer of the game is known for making a previous absolutely outstanding contribution to the genre, in fact, the game I so deeply wanted to play happened to be the spiritual successor of that very game. The developer was a company called Treasure, the predecessor's title is the c.lassic Radiant Silvergun, and the game I am talking about now is Ikaruga.

Now keep in the mind the time frame of just post-prime of the Sega Dreamcast until now. It was during that time I wasted little time getting the import of the game as a NA version was never made for the Dreamcast. And indeed, I remember playing that first level, I remember getting feeling that I perceive to be a sign of excellently designed gameplay challenge. I remember being unable to make it halfway past the first level of the game...I remember loving every second of my short-lived attempts.

Now honestly, there are few games that I've played that are solid in their design such that the level of challenge in the gameplay actually challenges me instead of turning me off, Ninja Gaiden is one of them, Ikaruga. Regardless of my numerous failed attempts to progress through this seemingly impossible-to-beat game, not once did the thought ever cross my that this game was too hard, as ironic as it sounds. And thus, not once did I ever entertain the thought of giving up.

With Ikaruga, I made a pact with myself that I can't remember ever doing before with any difficult game, I told myself, now matter how long it takes, no matter how many times I have to try, one day, i'm gonna beat this game. That was back in the days of the Dreamcast. Since then I eventually bought the GCN version so that I could read the text as my Japanese was not nearly good enough back then, and I bought the XBLA version the day it was released primarily for the beautiful HD visuals and the Xbox Live co-op. And not once all these years have I stopped playing this game, it has been without a doubt the most consistent and long-lived title on my Now Playing list ever.

Now yes, I can see how it may seem a bit pitiful that it took so long to build my skills with to where they are are. Of course, I have played (and beaten) many other games through this time. I have experienced the game over three different consoles, over multiple generations, and indeed, the game was not always front and center of my gaming focus. But never did any active version of the game collect dust. And regardless of how often I played it, the essential thing to understand about Ikaruga is that, perhaps more than at least the majority of other modern rail shooters out there (easily moreso than any others i've played), the game absolutely demands solid (practically flawless) reflexes, thorough knowledge of the levels and bosses, and true, hard-nosed, raw skill. This game is expertly designed such that if you're at least moderately lacking in any of those qualities, chances are very good that you will fail.

I remember when I first tried going co-op over Live. It simply presented 1 benefit. Everyone I played with died out me before reaching the end of the second level, most died out before reaching the end of the first level. And with shared continues, that meant I always ended up with my one set of lives to get through the entire game, that wasn't going to work out. Now of course, thats not the benefit i'm talking about it. The benefit was (and I really don't mean to be arrogant when I say this) seeing the stark contrast in adeptness to the game. It'd proven to me that my dedication to the game over the years has resulted in true development of my skills with the game, and gave me the confidence that I was definitely moving forward, so I decided to return to going at it alone.

A few days ago, I hit a big a milestone. I finally made it to the last level of the game after barely beating the boss of the level before that as I oh so desperately (verbally) begged to die moments before it did. For first time ever, after all these years, my eyes witnessed the final level of the game. Sure enough, with only one last life remaining, it was over shortly after it began. By that time, i'd been able to get through the first three levels fairly effectively, and I knew it was the level 4 boss that that bottlenecked my lives and practice on those final level should be my focus. I ended up not doing much of either.

Just today (Sunday), I completed Tales of Symphonia (my first ever Tales game) and finished Frequency, freeing up a share of my gaming focus. I'd planned to "transition" to my 360 after completing Tales of Symphonia, and spent a lot of the day pondering if i'd play Viva Pinata, Dead Rising or both. One thing lingered in mind as well: "i'm close...maybe I should practice".

Some of you may know that G4 aired the documentary, The King of Kong today. I watch the first have during its initial air and the second half during its encore. One scene that has stayed with me since seeing the end *spoiler*

was the one that showed Steve Wiebe, after the disappointing lack of return challenge from the then King of Kong, returned home disappointed, but most importantly, did not give up. He kept playing the game, and sure enough, he broke the record.

*end spoiler*

The key value I took from seeing that is the idea that persistence can pay off. That thought hasn't left my mind all night.

After popping in Viva Pinata and boy, getting sucked into the game and not wanting to stop, I eventually got myself to stop in order to work on my projects. I returned to the dashboard, but before I could turn the system off. A voice inside me simply said one thing: "lets just give it one shot".

No practice, no special preparation, lets just give it one shot. One attempt, then I'm turning the system off.

Playing through the game, self-discourse runs through my head:

"Wow you're flawless so far, you may just beat it"
"Just stay cool, don't think, just play"
"I have to think to think that"
"Just play the darn game"
*Killed by stray dot from the mental distraction*
"That was a stupid death"
"Its just one life total so far, I got plenty"
"I need every life I can get it"
"Stop thinking, just play the darn game"

Thankfully, from that point, I was able actually able to stop thinking and just play. I was so cool in fact (and playing so well as the same time) that I felt like I was playing like an expert on the game. I don't think I'd ever played the game so "carefree" before in my entire experience with it. So much so that I didn't know how many continues I had left going into the final stage...and I didn't care too much either. I didn't bother to look during the couple times I died before reaching the final boss, heck I didn't even bother to look when I died fighting the final boss.

The final task of the Ikaruga....is not on rails and it doesn't involve shooting. The final take task of Ikaruga...is survival for 1 minute. An on-screen timer shows this, and when I lost a life during this task, a loss that required the use of a continue, it was then that I finally noticed, I was on my last one...and then I wasn't calm anymore. A very noticeable thumping began in my chest.

My first time ever reaching it that far, 1 stock, 1 minute, 1 shot. Survival. For so many years I'd been working to get this point. Survival. For so long I persisted in my pact. Survival. Never did I give up. Survival...and I survived.

Got into the Metal Gear Online Beta

lol, been a little while since I stopped reading Gamespot staff reviews, huh? Well, the last few months I haven't even been on Gamespot all that much due to a Winter semester that was much busier than my Fall semester. Speaking of critic reviews, my recent playthrough of Legend of Dragoon helped me to take a very progressive mentality towards my self-confidence in game judgement. I actually blogged on this on my main software blog and its one of the most recent entries there if you care to read it. Why I didn't post it here? I dunno...

Anyway, yesterday Sony sent a number of GAP members an invitation to join the Metal Gear Online Beta. It appears even among the subset of us that recieved invitations there were a limited number of allowed acceptions as some were actually denied upon accepting it.

Kinda funny how all of a sudden, i'm finally using my PS3 for something other than a demo kiosk and Blu-Ray player. (I have a number of PS3 games now, I just haven't gotten around them, yet). I recently finished Heavenly Sword, the first full (as in non-demo) PS3 game I've played.

For starters, MGO both looks and sounds great. I dunno if Harry Gregson-Williams composed the music for this or not, but its is of the same essence as Sons of Liberty and Snake Eater. Its very strong and a cool thing is that it blends superbly into the gameplay.

The first things you do is create an in-game persona and customize him..../her?!? lol, now that I think of it, I don't remember if there are female soldiers in the game. Don't take that as final, I simply don't remember if it was an option. But anyway, there are number of ways to customize your gear and give your character (the game refers to them as PCs so i'll do the same) a least some degree of uniqness. You can also customize the skills your character specializes in such as handgun, CQC (Close Quarters Combat), sniping, etc. For example, having a hangun specialty gives your character further accuracy with further range with hanguns in auto-aim mode. CQC I believe is necessary to perform those moves, and I believe sniping allows more precise aiming/less hand shaking.

If you're experienced with the MGS series then this game, control-wise, is practically pick-up-and-play. The only thing I really had to get used to (and still am a bit) is the auto-aim toggling. You actually have 3 degrees of precision when firing a weapon. Auto-aim is self-explanatory. The (IMO, necessary) tradeoff is you have to be reasonably close to your enemy and you have to be properly facing them. Your view and aiming doesn't solidly lock on so one can still evade auto-aimed fire. Without auto aim there is the default over-the-shoulder view and you're given a targeting reticle, and then there's the familiar first person mode which is just like the MGS games.

Now I haven't played many online combat games recently, but I did play the heck outta of SOCOM back on PS2 and the general feel of this easily reminds me of it. Thats not a bad thing, though. Most of the modes seem to be practically your standard online warfare: Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, a Domination-type mode, etc. I haven't played them all yet, but from reading their descriptions, none seem really far from what you've seen before. Now this is not to say the gameplay isn't fun because its quite the opposite.

So far i've played about an equal amount of Team Deathmatch and the Domination mode. One of the first I felt about the gameplay is that the game does a great job of creating an exciting, sometimes intense warfare atmosphere similar to the look, sound, and feel of the movie Black Hawk Down. Again, the game looks and sounds great. If this game's visuals are any indication (and they probably are) then MGS4, especially in HD, will be quite the eye-candy. Now imagine that epic action-orient MGS music blending in to the warfare. You end up with quite an exciting atmosphere.

Interacting with your squad is pretty cool. You have your standard dose of general pre-recording messages you can send, but the game also supports voice chat (which hardly anybody I played with used), and the ability to customize messages. There's a really cool system where you can virtually "link" up with any number of your squadmates. If you press and hold triangle, you establish a virtual link with any number of allies within a certain radius. What this link allows you to do is see an almost heat-signature type representation of their location, orientation and status from just about anywhere on the map. You can tell if they're under fire and near death.

Now one area of the gameplay I feel deserves special mention is the execution of CQC. Man pulling off CQC moves on somebody can be one of the coolest, funniest, most awesome...and humilating things in the game, lol. Man you can't imaging the feeling I got when I first snuck up behing an enemy, grabbed him, slammed him to the ground then pumped him full of lead!....but I also remember running through a corridor in a building, thinking there's nobody close, and just before I reach an exit, someone hiding in the shadows grabs me by the neck and chokes me to sleep. He left me there, likely because I was in a deep daze and I'd ultimately have to lie there knocked out longer then if he killed me and I respawned. Now you probably know about the spinning stars thing around your head. Well when you're in this state, all you can do is waggle the left thumbstick to speed up the process of waking up....or one or more of your comrades can find you, especially if you're linked, and they can come and shake you to help you snap out of it....just like one of my comrades did for me. I found that pretty cool.

Adding to the dynamic of the gameplay is the fact that you can pull off most if not all of Snake's moves. I mean hey, hide in a box if you want. As a matter of fact, in the domination mode, one of my comrades did that while camping in the territory to capture it and I don't think anyone noticed, lol! You can line prone underneath a truck and try to pick people off, and i've personally snuck into a territory by way of hanging off a ledge, shimmying across and jumping down.

Performance-wise, the game has been solid for the most part. My first match did end up getting broken up due a broken connection. Not sure why as I the host is able to leave the game and transfer hosting duties to someone else. In another game, there was a very brief connection issue (this time I think it actually was the host leaving) but then the game picked right back up where it left off. I guess the most important thing is, while the game is actually running, I NOTICED NO LAG WHATSOEVER. Save for those two interruptions, this game performs online just as well as it would over a lan. I guess you can probably take that with a grain of salt as the servers aren't really being stressed right now. There aren't are a tremendous number of people playing this game yet so I can only speak for the game in its current degree of use.

Overall, Metal Gear Online is a pretty solid and fun game. It definitely has a Black Hawk Down feel to it that makes it exciting. If any of you have been anticipating it, I think this game will probably justify.

If the rumored reasons for firing Jeff Gertsmann are true....

Then i'll always remember Lunar: Dragon Song for being the last Gamespot review i'll ever read. I'm both happy and sad to hear about this news.

1. I'm very sad that Jeff lost his job for doing his job (without corruption). I have not always agreed with his reviews, but i've always respected the fact that he was never afraid call a game the way he sees him without bowing to fanboys and hype. I've defended him in this forum for that whenever I could (most recently with The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess and Virtua Fighter 5).

2. I'm happy I can now solidify my suspicion of corruption in the game media which, if all the allegations are true, exists within Gamespot. I'm sorry Jeff's job had to be sacrificed to expose this but I hope he realizes the benefit this has done for consumers who once trusted the press to be honest, unbiased, and without publisher/marketer influence.

I hope this will ultimately lead to Jeff moving on to a better place to express his opinion without being pressured to be dishonest.

As for Gamespot, they've lost just about all credibility with me now with game judgement and the only reviews I will ever consider here are player reviews written by those who have a reputation with me to put actual effort and formal judgement into them, my friends', and my own.

To Gamespot, thank you for exposing yourself.

Ahhhhh!!! I can finally put FFXII away

Completion time approximately 70 hours (and this is with a mostly story-focused quest). I believe this is the officially the longest play-time it has ever taken me to complete an RPG. (And yes, like I said before, completing Final Fantasy X-2 100% didn't even take me this long)

I'm kinda sorry to say that my conclusive impression of this game is not much in line with the general reception of the game. This was not only one of the less enjoyable Final Fantasies i've played through, it was one of the less enjoyable RPGs i've played in a while. Quite frankly, but the time I completed the game (end credits are scrolling as I type this), I was pretty sick of it. I know it seems a lot of people really like this game, but for me, the battle system was a huge drag, the story was downright boring (i'll be so harsh to say, frankly, the story sucks anus), the art style is un-appealing to me and turned me off similar to how Final Fantasy IX's did, Ivalice is boring, other than Ashe the characters are not very memorable, and the boss battles are not legimiately challenging, they are legitmately cheap and annoying!!!

By the time I finished the game, I really couldn't stand it anymore. Now as harsh as i'm being, i'm not saying this is a horrible game, it isn't. There is just so much about this game that doesn't flow well with me and turned me off. I won't compare this game directly to the pre-32-bit era Final Fantasy because so far i've only played the first two, but among all the traditional games in the series starting at VII, this one is easily the last one i'd pick up and play again.

Again, I realize a lot of people did like game, but for me and my tastes, Square Enix/Yatsumi Matusno dropped the ball on this one.

BTW, I recently completed Metroid Prime Hunters after beginning my quest through it probably a year ago, if not very early this year. I'm glad to be done with that game as well. The controls ultimately work, but at the same time, my hands cramped up so freakin' much there were periods especiallyd during boss battles where I had to just stop and put my DS Lite down for a bit to give my hands some relief. Also, due to the game controls by default, I really felt like I was wearing out my D-Pad and L Button so I just wanna to get the game overwith to stop to torture on my unit itself.

I recently got a piano black PSP-2000 (Lite) along with Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories and Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops. I already have a nice carrying case set that I got for pretty cheap, and i'm waiting on my Hori Screen Protector and Sony 4GB Pro Duo Memory Stick to come in. The carrying case set I got includes a screen protector but its from some brand i've never heard of and I don't trust it. Once that comes in and I complete Final Fantasy II and Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (having a blast with that game thus far), then i'll jump into Liberty City Stories. Pretty excited about playing that. A sandbox game to take on the go!

And now after that lengthy and ultimately unsatisfying quest, I can turn me attention back to Halo 3 and later Resident Evil 4/Star Fox Assault. Especially after that 70 hour quest, i'm gonna try to play a string of games out of my backlog that'll likely take me 30 hours max to play through. After this game and when I eventually (finally) finish Final Fantasy II, I don't think i'll be jumping into another RPG for a while.

Man, Final Fantasy XII is taking me forever!

I've been playing this game since shortly after I beat Twilight Princess over the summer and man am I having a slow and thorough adventure. I know you can look my "Now Playing" list and you'll see quite a few including Dawn of Souls which has been pushed off the end of the visible list (which is unusual for me, ESPECIALLY since i'll soon add two more, LOL), but all those games except for Dead or Alive 4 and, of course, NCAA Football 08 are sitting in the back seat of car in terms of my gaming priority.

I feel like I wanna attribute this to the fact that I feel the difficulty is unbalanced. I've found it to be very easy to run into an area or reach a boss that, by normal progression and regular "level-up" intervals, is too powerful for your party to defeat. Sometimes these boss encounters are quite close to each other so its effectively a difficulty spike. I've been giving substance to my level grinding in the form of battle-heavy sidequests (in the form of hunting quests) which has worked out nicely. Still, in the process, i'm approaching hour 60 and I think I still have a ways to go. I can't think of any other Final Fantasy i've played that has taken me this long to get through a story-focused play-through. I don't even think it took me this long to play through Final Fantasy X-2, including my 100% completion run.

As a result, my backlog ever grows. As a matter of fact, I took advantage of Toys R Us's "Buy 2, Get the 3rd Free" deal and picked up skate. and Gears of War and got Metroid Prime 3: Corruption for free. Then I picked up Sonic Rush Adventure and Metal Gear Solid Portables Ops (i'm getting a PSP 2000 when the Piano Black version launches soon), and got the original Lego Star Wars for free. Seeing as I just found out a Lego Star wars compilation is coming out soon, i'm gonna try to take it back to tomorrow and exchange it for Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door. Let me just say skate. is worth it, IMO. I hadn't been excited for a skateboarding game since Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2. After playing the skate. demo, I was a sold. I've even played the Tony Hawk's Proving Ground demo and came away unimpressed compared to skate. I think the main thing to hooked me was the innovative control scheme which makes the tricks and the skateboarding in general feel much more intimate and realistic. It also, IMO, requires more skill pull off and chain tricks. Seriously, after playing Proving Ground, i'll take skate's control any day. The recording feature is mega cool as well. And from what i've read of the online features, i'll enjoy taking advantage of Xbox Live with this game.

So skate. is one of those two games that i'm just gonna start playing regardless of my slow progress with Final Fantasy XII. The other, as you may guess...will be Halo 3. I won't be able to help it. I'll be playing this game the day I get my hands on it. And boy do I almost fear the day I finish the campaign mode, because I remember how much I was sucked into Halo 2's multiplayer. It was one thing when I played freelance, its was an ENTIRELY NEW LEVEL (i'm talking NCAA Football-esque obsession) when I joined a highly skilled clan and we very competently competed in clan matches. I don't really like to brag, but we were a tough group to beat. We won way more than we lost. I'm looking forward to that with Halo 3, and with online 4-player co-op to boot....oh boy...This game will likely be on my Now Playing list for quite a darn while. I won't be surprised if i'll be playing this game online through console's lifespan.

And oh yeah, regarding my portable gaming. Some of you may remember, that i'm on a quest to complete every mainstream Final Fantasy. I beat the original quite a while ago, and retroactively, i've been stuck on II for quite a while. The fact is, my whole gaming life suffered while I was trudging through that tornado of a semester last year. I was actually playing my DS more than anything (in between classes, etc), but that time was mostly dominated by Tetris DS. That game has so much substance that i'm still not tired of it and probably never will be. I've recently gotten myself out of that slumped. My long hiatus resulted in me being disoriented with where I was and what I was supposed to be doing in both Final Fantasy II and Metroid Prime: Hunters so I had to consult GameFAQs on what to do. I estimate i'm about halfway through Final Fantasy II but i'm surprisingly pretty close to the end of Hunters (I only have one more thorough task to do and its all downhill from there). My Final Fantasy quest hiatus has actually been a good thing as it has assured me now that i'll be playing remakes of III-VI whearas before I may have bought the GBA ports.

Well I guess this blog is big enough. I guess this is what happens when you wait too long to update, so i'll try to be more frequent in the future. If you look at my profile you'll see Halo 3 on my already rediculous Now Playing list by the end of the month. It would be great if I could legitimately take Final Fantasy XII off by then. If not...well...lets just say its stay on the list will likely be prolonged. I'm not too concerned about many others like Fight Night, Rumble Roses XX (don't laugh, I honestly have a blast with the game and got it for cheap), NCAA Football 08, Dead or Alive 4, and now skate. They're what I consider to be "idle" games. By that context, I mean they're not really games that involve some kind of deep "quest". Moreso, they're games I just pick up and play whenever I feel like it. I still play them all (obviously), but Halo 3, again, will likely reduce that frequency.

You know what, in hopeful preparation/anticipation for that day, I think i'll go play Final Fantasy XII now!

EDIT: Haha! The Gamespot server programming sympathizes we me. The "Final Fantasy XII" entry on my Now Playing list has been specifically glitched out!:P

EDIT Again: Bah! Its back!

Feels like NCAA Football 08 just broke my heart...

I just got a very rude awakening as a result of not reading a whole lot into this game. For the past few iterations of this series i've traditional began by playing the Race for the Heisman/Campus Legend mode first. I'd experience that mode thoroughly and get a fundamental feel for the game first, then jump into the ever-addictive Dynasty mode. Now the Dynasty mode itself for one thing is great, fun, and like I said, addictive, but a LARGE reason for my immersion and intimacy with the mode is the Create-A-School mode through which i'd create a school from scratch, put myself in as the coach, and coach the program into a Dynasty.

Having the feeling of building a program from the ground up into a perennial powerhouse is by far the most satisfying and addicting benefit i've ever found playing this series. And for some extremely odd/boneheaded reason, (and like I said, I didn't read too much into the game so i'm just now finding this out...) EA HAS OMITTED CREATE-A-SCHOOL MODE FROM THIS GAME!!!! WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:cry:

Create-A-School/Dynasty was the heart and soul of my enjoyment of this series and EA just cut half of it out!!! I freakin' couldn't believe it when I just today searched through the menus and discovered it wasn't there!!! I'm still in shock right now and I can't even play the game right now! It really disgusts me!

....The Dynasty mode itself is still there and i'm sure I can find enjoyment in (I guess) just coaching Michigan. But...I know this without a doubt it my mind, playing Dynasty like this will NOT live up, it will not be on the same level of enjoyment for me...and this really sucks. I was looking forward to this since the day I bought the game....

For this year at least....I guess I won't be coaching the Big Ten Powerhouse Cerebral V-Warriors to rivalry victories against the West Virginia Mountaineers (a rivalry that started back in 06 when the V-Warriors emerged victorious from a litterally 10+ overtime thriller against the Mountaineers), Big Ten Championships and (BCS) Bowl Championship. There will be no recruiting of top-level prospects to coach into All-American and Heisman Trophy Winning V-Warriors. And there will be no satisfying feeling of building a program from the ground up and leading them through perennial dominance. No....not this year......

Why did you take this out EA! WHY!!!?!?!?!


What i've been up to

Well I mentioned in my most recently blog post that I wanted to further break my (unplanned) hiatus after being full of excitement with my first experience with NCAA Football currrent gen.

I've been meaning to post this a while ago but i've been preoccupied with working and the games i'm playing (notably NCAA Football 08, of course!). As i'd said before, this past schoolyear, like the one before it, was very busy for me. It got particularly demanding during the winter term (not coincidentally the term that began after the last post I made before my hiatus from this blog) where I had 17 credit hour of coursework that I really needed to get through. The two most demanding were Japanese (i'm a Japanese minor), as usual, and a programming course on Data Structures and Algorithms that was by far one of the most difficult i've had thus far at the University (due to the Professor I had in particular moreso than the curriculum). The projects we had to do were overly complex and time-consuming, something that placed a particular strain on me as I'd already had enough on my plate with my other courses. And when I say overly complex, WOWZERS! I mean it. As just one of many examples that may help you understand where i'm coming from; one project involved writing a data compression suite. 1 of the compression applications in the suite was quite litterally our own version in WinRAR that were by law required to comply with copyright infringements and "promise" to never use it commercially. Yes ladies and gentleman, I have my very own personal WinRAR as well as a couple other compression algortithms. The tasks certainly weren't easy given our time constraints. I pretty much had to break the entire semester. I quite litterally spent my entire Winter break and Spring Break programming projects for that class. It was stressfull. To give you even more scope; over half the class dropped by the time the semester was over. I stuck it out and (oh so thankfully) managed to pull off a 'B' in the class. But tack on a class on Computer Architecture as well as a class on Discrete Mathematics as well as Bujinkan (Nintjutsu) training 3 nights a week and you got yourself quite a hectic ans stressful semester.

All the while I do admit I have been keeping my other blog updated in the process. However, that was because that blog is more relevant as I use it for my campus life and my software development activities. I hadn't been been able to do much in the way of gaming because of lack of time. It'd pretty much boiled down to a game of NCAA Football 07 once a day and that was about all I could spare. I'd gotten so behind on games to play. I pretty much wasn't playing much of anything new, and I had no next gen consoles beyond my DS so there wasn't much for me to say here on this blog anyway. Unfortuantely, i'd gone so long without saying anything as well as stopping through here and checking out what you guys had been blogging about that I felt "ashamed" to just burst right back into the picture. I really dunno why.

By the time the Winter semester ended and I was completed worn out and recovering from stress. I couldn't bear the idea of Spring/Summer classes. And just took a few weeks to really lay down and relax. I hardly did anything rigorous for a while including playing DDR. I guess my mom was feeling for me as (bless her heart), she'd bought me a Wii. Managed to find one of two remaining ones back in May a Toys R Us. That marked my first entry in current gen. Around that time I had started coming back and checking out Gamespot (mostly the forums). And if you look, you'll see i've written reviews on games like Wii Play, Killzone and Pikmin (I really liked that game but felt it was tad bit too hard to complete successfully). I had some great times with my early experiences with Wii. lol, feels funny to say this, but it was so cool to actually play Wii Bowling and Baseball with my mom (and she actually beat me at Bowling.

I made it quite an immediate priority to buy and play Twilight Princess shortly after I got my Wii. I won't even begin to express how I feel about that game. Just read my review if you care. Very much to my surprise, my computer software background landed me a call in mid-May for an internship paying very well. So i've been working all summer since then. Gaming-wise i've manage to get through some of my backlog (that is, the backlog as it was back then), but i've picked up so many bargain-priced games my backlog is larger than it ever was. I dare say at least twice as large! Two particular games out that backlog that I really enjoyed, the latter you may have never even played, are Shadow of the Colossus and Lifeline. I can't remember the former game's director's name (but believe me, I will) but i've become quite a fan of the vague yet deeply interesting and captivating expression he presents in his game. (I love Ico as well). The boss battle in that game are truly grand with excellent music to boot. Now Lifeline really surprised me. I bought that game outta sheer curiosity of what it'd be like to litterally talk to protogonist. While I admit the voice recognition was flawed, especially in the heat of battle when excitement exhillerates your voice and the technology has trouble understanding you, the game really has strong elements in its puzzles, the protagonists' dialogue, especially when she's speaking personally to you, the cutscenes, muisc, and the story. If you get more desciptive than that i'd just be writing a mini review so i'll just say this, Lifeline is a memorable game i'm glad I gave a chance.

Over the summer i've been given an opportunity to fully break in to next (current) gen. But, after seeing and playing Fight Night Round 3 months ago on an Xbox 360 kiosk, I decided that if I was going next (current) gen beyond the Wii, i'm going in HD! I now have an Xbox 360 Elite with a gorgeous 1080p HDTV. I do admit/agree now that once you've experiened gaming in HD, its hard to go back. Imagine what i'd been doing; going from playing Fight Night Round 3 in HD to playing Final Fantasy XII on PS2. Oh man...the pixellation really took some readjusting. But the fact is, games like that which I used to find beautiful (like when I played Final Fantasy X) no longer impress me at all. There really is step up in visual quality. It also two different generations of software, I know, but what i'm saying applies to T.V. as well, especially live T.V.

I've recently been a bit of retro mode lately...going back and trying to pick up old games i'm interesting in playing before to fade into rareware. I've recently cought myself up on the Wild Arms series, getting the Playstation Lunar remakes, Vagrant Story and Xenogears to name just a few.

I very much recently bought a PS3 (like eariler this week). I really didn't feel obligated, but I was able to get a really good discounted deal on it (its new, though, not a refurbished console). Given that I have a Wii60, I felt pretty much covered for a while with software to play. But I guess the fact remains that, at least for now, Konami and Square Exit are keeping Metal Gear Solid 4 and Final Fantasy XIII exclusive respectively. Though are by far the two largest exclusives I desire. But now that I have one, I must admit, while large, its definitely quite a sexy console both cosmetically and functionally. How cool was it when I stuck my finger out thinking I had to "press a button" to power up the system for the first time. Pretty darn neat!

As it stands, the number of PS3 games I have: 0. lol, but i'm downloading some demos to play at this very moment.

Parellel with gaming, i've also been working on personal software projects, particularly games. I've programmed a "Plug & Play" game engine on top of Allegro used to made 2D games. I've finished one game that runs on it and i'm currently working on a second. I'm also looking into learning C# independently with a new book on the way as well as learning a touch of Java in an upcoming course i'm taking at school. But now i'm going a bit on a tangent as this is what I use my other blog for.

So, despite the heaping amount of text, this still really is a nutshell filler on my hiatus from this blog. I will try to remain committed to it, I really want to. I'm not anticipating as heavy a semester, but i've said that before. However, I really hope to keep this blog active and at least somewhat fresh. If you had to patience to read all of this are at least some of it, I sincerely thank you.

Bravo EA Sports World! Bravo!!

NCAA Football 08's highlights and online functionality is FREAKIN' SWEET! I'm sorry, I know its been a almost a year since I last posted in this thing, dropping off my attention to this blog as well as my Gamespot buddies'. I guess if some of you remember how excited I was for NCAA Football 07 last year, well, needless to say I was back in that spot as the game launched today. Playing the demo last week for the first time (also my first time playing NCAA Football on a current gen console), I was a bit...unimpressed. Had some worries about my excitement for the game. That wasn't gonna stop me from buying it, though. I always play with Michigan against Ohio State the very first time a boot up a new version of this franchise (i'm a Wolverine, myself) and my goodness...I honestly cannot think a of better way to break myself into this new generation of NCAA Football games than the game I just played!

It was by far one of the most emotional, nail-biting, edge-of-the-seat, exciting games i've ever played in this franchise! I mean...WOW! I take an early 14 point lead (my very first score ever coming on an interception near the endzone and a run back for a touchdown), make rookie mistakes (again, my first time playing this on the 360). I was actually in field goal range at the end of the 2nd quarter and blew the field goal wide left due to lack of proper control with the thumbstick and go into halftime up 14-10. Further allow them to take the lead, losing 14-17. Finally, having litterally 1 minute left and the ball on the 20 yard line, 1 timeout. My last stand (and i'm feeling litterally a lil sick to my stomach because i'm faring no better than Michigan has done against Ohio State in real life.

First Down - Incompletion

Second Down - Left Guard completely blows his block and I get sacked. Time's ticking so I have to burn my last time out. Things ain't lookin' too good...My guts starts tightening even more.

Third Down - I send Mario Manningham (WR) deep out of desparation, he has the CB beat by a step, I launch it to him, he leaps in an attempt at a one-handed...catch, and was first clotheslined in the process, unable to secure an otherwise dream catch! I'm ticked!!!

4th Down - I'm feeling hopeless, I bullet a pass to a slot reciever on a slant...gets picked off. I'm feeling deflated, the commentators litterally said "That should be enough to put this game away", we close in on the defender, HE FUMBLES!!!!!!!!! WE RECOVER! 16 seconds left on the clock! We're on the wrong side of the 50, I got time for maybe 3 plays.

First Down - Short comeback to Mario Manningham, runs out of bounds. With first down 12 seconds remaining.

First Down - Send Mario Manningham deep near the sideline, Ohio State is playing pass, I have great protection, I wait till Manningham slant-cuts right, I launch the ball!........CAUGHT!!! Fights off a tackle and out of bounds ON THE 29YARD LINE WITH FOUR SECONDS REMAINING!!!!

Given my blown field goal earlier, I hesitate and considered for 2 seconds passing, decided it was foolish. I'd trust my thumb once again!

4 seconds on the clock, Michigan lines up for the field goal, down 14-17, its either Good, or I lose. I carefully position my hand on the controller, take a break, HIKE! My thumb moves down..up at a slight left slant...Brad Nessler says its long enough immediately giving me somewhat a feeling of relief, IT JUST NEEDS TO BE POSITIONED CORRECTLY.....ITS GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I waste no time moving on. Ohio State calls the toss heads, and wins. "Please pick offense. Please pick offense..." THEY DID!!!! We defend first.

Michigan's defense takes the field led by the Impact CB #5 who intercepted a would be TD pass in the first quarter to run it back for a touchdown....

What happens next is the main reason why I just had to blog this, especially remember blogging here like this one year ago! EA Sports World is freakin sweet! I CAN ACTUALLY UPLOAD HIGHLIGHT VIDEOS for the world to see!!!!! So please! Watch the thrilling conclusion to Michigan vs. Ohio State, played by yours truly in his first ever game in the franchise on a current gen system. Keep this in mind: I was doing pretty much the exact same thing the player you will see in the video doing at the end at the same time!!! I hope you guys haven't completely forgotten me! I have more to say!

Please travel here!!!: http://www.easportsworld.com/#video-2445/VWARRIOR902(XBOX360)/1292

Hopefully more room to breathe up ahead.

With Thanksgiving approaching, and the semester starting to enter a last stretch, me just getting through 3 midterms, I've actually found some time to update my blogs and finish up San Andreas' story mode.  I knew I was right at the end.  This is the first time in weeks that I really played the game and I just beat it just now.  I liked the way Vice City ended better but meh, oh well.  As this is a sandbox game, I'll still get playing around with it.  But now its finally time to get back to playing Pandora Tommorow. 

Thankfully, these next two weekends will likely provide me with some more free time as well as the rest of the semester in general.  I'll be happy when I get past this semester as Christmas break will really be a breath of fresh air and i'm hoping for a less-demanding schedule next semester.  I'm extremely backed up on games to play but that'll just be what will tide me over until I can afford a next-gen system.

Unfortunately, my freakin' DS Lite's D-Pad is malfunctioning now after accidentally splattering liquid on the system.  Nintendo wants to charge 80+ bucks to fix it but I feel like i'd rather just by a new one if i'm gonna pay that much.  I was really getting into Tetris DS, too.  Now i'm cut off from playing it until probably next year.

Oh well.  Hopefully again, this semester will smooth out and i'll have a less demanding one next.

Man...been a while.

If you're even reading this I guess you know its been quite a while since i've updated this blog.  I haven't even posted in any of the forums in quite a while.  School has been in full swing and its been very busy.  I got a quick breather this weekend with two days off classes after a week full of midterms.  Up until now, I haven't had much time to game and I haven't made much progress through the games i'm currently playing besides Sonic Rush.  I've been able to squeeze a Dynasty game in NCAA Football 07 every now and then, but i've been playing my DS more than anything because I can take it with me and play in between classes and such.

I just finished Sonic Rush today, loved it and wrote a review on it.  I think i'm getting close to beating the San Andreas story mode, but this is a sandbox game so i'll playing it for a quite a while.  I'm currently about 64% complete with it and there's still a lot I wanna do.  I haven't had a chance to play much of New Super Mario Bros. Final Fantasy II, or Pandora Tommorow, the latter two I haven't played in maybe over a month.  But now that Sonic Rush, and, in a way, San Andreas is outta of the way, i'll be refocus and get back to those.  I got a huge backlog to go through.

I'm honestly gonna try to find time to come here more often and read you guys' blogs and post in the forums, but man, school is tugging at me hard this semester.