If you're even reading this I guess you know its been quite a while since i've updated this blog. I haven't even posted in any of the forums in quite a while. School has been in full swing and its been very busy. I got a quick breather this weekend with two days off classes after a week full of midterms. Up until now, I haven't had much time to game and I haven't made much progress through the games i'm currently playing besides Sonic Rush. I've been able to squeeze a Dynasty game in NCAA Football 07 every now and then, but i've been playing my DS more than anything because I can take it with me and play in between classes and such.
I just finished Sonic Rush today, loved it and wrote a review on it. I think i'm getting close to beating the San Andreas story mode, but this is a sandbox game so i'll playing it for a quite a while. I'm currently about 64% complete with it and there's still a lot I wanna do. I haven't had a chance to play much of New Super Mario Bros. Final Fantasy II, or Pandora Tommorow, the latter two I haven't played in maybe over a month. But now that Sonic Rush, and, in a way, San Andreas is outta of the way, i'll be refocus and get back to those. I got a huge backlog to go through.
I'm honestly gonna try to find time to come here more often and read you guys' blogs and post in the forums, but man, school is tugging at me hard this semester.
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