Sony Execs: How f*#%ing stupid are you? Are you really that arrogant? As they say, Pride Goeth Before the Fall.....At any rate, after watching a few episodes of Mind of Mencia and reviewing Sony decisions of the past year or so, here's what runs through my head:
We'll gamble on an untried untested new type of processor, the Cell....D D D
We'll force Blu-Ray adoption and it will work even though there isn't a unified format....D D D
Let's promise a Spring 2006 launch just to try and steal the XB360's thunder, then renege....D D D
Let's criticize the MS 360 Dual SKU strategy as too confusing then do it ourselves...D D D
We'll laugh and point fingers at MS for the world launch strategy, then try to emulate but fail to execute...D D D
We'll show CGI trailers and swear up and down they are gameplay because the vidiots won't care...D D D
$599....D D D
Let's steal the XBLive Button and Wiimote functionality, but lose rumble...D D D
Let's run LINUX on the PS3 and have HDD bootable games because no one will pirate our $60-$100 games.....D D D
We'll give Japan and US a minimal # of consoles and say Pha-Q to most of Eurasia-they won't mind....D D D
"Next Gen starts when we say it starts" but don't trust us to actually tell you when it is.....D D D
"HD out of the box, the only real HD experience" but you still have to buy a $100 cable....D D D
I think that the Sony employee carpool program consists of bringing executive in on the short bus.
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