So, we have all walked up to the boss doors, expecting a big fight, palms sweaty, arranging your potions in preparation for the arduous marathon ahead. You walk through the doors, a cut-scene insues, and you are faced with the most butt kicking thing you have ever seen...then you trample all over it. What happened? You thought this was gonna be hard? Some bosses, no matter how cool, turn out to be softies. Here is my list of the top five biggest push-overs:
Fool's Idol (Demon's Souls)
Speaking of hard games, there's Demon's Souls. Hardest game I ever played? No, but its pretty darn close. This game will beat your butt, then hand it to you on a platter. Over and over again. So, this game's bosses should be pretty BA, right? For the most part, yes. That is, minus Fool's Idol. Fool's Idol has all the trappings of a hard boss gone wrong: cool looking, interesting gimmick, and overly complex attack patterns). It was certainly a cool idea. This boss is mostly defensive, placing green "hexes" on the floor that stun you when you step on them, leaving you open for fairly weak magic attacks from the boss. When you get close enough to land a hit, she splits up into three seperate Idols, each one throwing (albeit slowly) weak magic at you. The catch is, only hitting one of the three deals damage to the boss. So, you have to dodge from cover to cover, trying to find the one that can be hurt. After you finally findthe one and deal out a couple hits, they shift around and you have to play the game all over again. Sound hard? Although time consuming, its far from difficult.It wouldn't be too blarringly obvious of the rest of the game wasn't so punishingly difficult. But in the end, Fool's Idol turns out feeling like a "freebie" boss.
Zant (Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess)
I will admit, this one had me stumped at first...ok for quite a while. Zant confused me, I had no idea what to do, until my friend gave me the hint that he was "like the other bosses". That did the trick, and he turned out to be extremely easy. All Zant really did was emulate the actions and attack sequences of every boss you fought up until thatpoint (except in an even easier fashion).Having already defeated the previous bosses, anyone can easily predict what Zant will do and when he will do it. Its a walk in the park, and quite possibly the easiestLegendof Zelda boss I have fought since that weird crab thing in the volcano in Wind Waker.
The Final Boss in Kingdom Hearts (Kingdom Hearts 1)
Well, this one is a thorny one. The final boss in Kingdom hearts is Ansem, but I didn't label this heading "Ansem" because, well, Ansem is extremely hard. That is, his first form is. In his first form, there is a terribly annoying shadow that hangs behind him and constantly blocks your attacks. That part is no joke. The joke is what comes next, when Ansem morphs into some type of odd, giant flying ship. This part is painfully easy, especially considering some of Kingdom Heart's challenging boss fights (Ursula and Riku/Ansem were particularly difficult, and the Trick Master was just plain evil). The patterns are simple to figure out, and your targets aren't exactly all. For the climax to such an epic game, this boss really let me down. Oh well, Ursula more than made up for it...*cringe*
Blight (Okami)
This guy gets in here mostly for the fact that he looks totally awesome and extremely hardcore, but is actually quite easy and highly predictable. I know this picture doesn't do him justice, so I will set it up for you: You (the wolf) are shrunk down to go inside the emperor's body to figure what kind of sickness is afflicting him. Upon reaching his stomach, you encounter a strange, floating samurai with a (gusetimate) fifty something swords rammed through his stomach and sticking out of his back. When he claims that his sword, Goldnail, screams for your blood, you pretty much know your in for a fight. But, while a visual feast, this fight is entirely too easy. It certainly looks intimidating, as the blight performs a slicing move so fast, you can;t even see him. Other times he pulls swords from his stomach and throws them in the air, where they circle around you before flying inward to stab you. As impressive as all this sounds, your new power recieved right before the fight (the ability to slow time) allows you to negate all his attacks, every time, almost without fail. A cool game, a cool fight, but this blight was big whimp in the end.
Atlas-Fontaine (Bioshock)
Those of you who know me, know that I do not own Bioshock. Nor have I played it much. But when I went to my friends house, one of my other friends wanted to try out Bioshock. So, he hopped on, loaded my friends saved file, and popped up right before the last boss fight. Mind you, he had never before played the game. Ever. He walked into the boss room, started the fight, and completely wiped the floor with this joker. It wasn;t even a challenge. A kid who had never played the game, had no idea what he was doing, beat the last boss in the game without any trouble on normal difficulty setting. Thats pathetic. Really pathetic. I asked my friend who owned the game if it was really that easy. He confirmed it. This boss is a wussy, a whimp, a push-over. And, I mean, come on, he doesn't even look cool. Lame.