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Games to keep, games to buy?

Hey. Taking advice from V^3, I've decided to make a short blog asking for your opinions.

Due to my cousin's (d@mn him) purchase of Rock Band and my subsequent playing of it, I've been lured to the joys of playing fake guitar as sailors would be lured to their deaths by siren calls. Since then I've purchased Guitar Hero 3 on my own. Now here's the thing, I also recently picked up Guitar Hero 2 for the 360 for $50. I saw they put it on sale for $40 yesterday, so I can go back and get some money back.

At the same point in time, I also just picked up Condemned: Criminal Origins yesterday, partially due to one of Jim's earlier blogs about how good of a game it was. I haven't started it yet, but Best Buy now has the sequel, Condemned 2: Bloodshot, on sale for $40 as well. Here's my question: since I own Guitar Hero 3, is it worth my time and money to keep Guitar Hero 2 and just go and buy Condemned 2? Or should I return GH2 and put that money towards Condemned 2? Or should I just return all of the above and wait for GTA IV (which I'm also on the fence about).

Speaking of which... how many are of y'all going to buy GTA on day one? I've never really been a fan of the series (I've only played Vice City which I borrowed from a friend) so any arguments you guys can make to sway towards buying or not buying it are appreciated.

Also, I have a new review up, this one of Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law. Here's a link to it. Please leave feedback on it if you read it and if you have the time, let me know what you think of it and how I can improve my reviews in the future with a comment. Thanks all and have an awesome weekend.

Edit: Oh right, forgot to mention that I was also able to pick up a Dualshock 3 yesterday at Best Buy for $54.99 CDN (odd considering the Sixaxis is $59.99). Haven't spent too much time with it yet as I got home late from work last night, but I tried it with a PS2 game and found the "force feedback" a lot more subtle this time around. Maybe they toned it down to help with battery life? I'll have more impressions as I try more games and see what kind of results I get, though I'm disappointed to see that Call of Duty 4 doesn't have support for rumble as of right now. :P