First of all, I'll make a victory dance because my second round of exams it's over and I got over some bad qualifications from the first round, so I made it! :D -makes victory dance- *note* Don't imagine the victory dance, please. You would probably round on the floor laughing at it.
My life has been all about university and work lately. It seems like there's no life beyond that, but somehow, I manage to do other things besides university. Well, anyway, if I don't do other things besides university, I would end up with a straitjacket in some white place haha. But well, I've been hanging out with friends. And I've been playing to FIFA 2011 mostly and some random stuff in Play Station Move. It has been cool, but I still have Brothers in Arms and Medal Of Honor waiting for me in the oldies section and I really want to play those games.
And as for music, I'm like obsessed with dubstep lately, specially Skrillex. That music definitely gives me goosebumps. Not like rock indeed, but in a different dimension and it's awesome.
Oh, and one last thing. I'm dying to see Midnight Meat Train again! I don't know why, so that's it.
Over and out, gamers! :P