First of all, my apologies to my union for my absence. I would also like to apologize with all my good friends in here for being lost and for losing track of your blogs. Now I'm back and I will read as much as I can everyday. I hope that helps as a reward for being lost :)
Alright. Now the reasons of why I've been lost. A couple of weeks ago my PC died. It was the worst thing in a long time, because I was not planning to buy a new one till next year as I wanted to get the Xbox 360 Slim. But I can't live without my PC, so next month I will be getting a new one and Xbox 360 Slim will have to wait a bit more. Besides, after the 8.8 (on Richter's scale) earthquake we had in here, things were quiet (or kind of quiet). But, about a week ago we had another little earthquake and we are expecting some other big one, announced by the scientists as an usual phenomenon. Some people is in panic here, so is my mom and I have to support her as much as I can.
By now, I've been playing some co-ops on Counter-Strike and some other RPGs. But not much and I can't wait till I get back to the gaming thing again. I've been also reading (I finished The Picture Of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde), watching many movies (Wanted, Black Hawk Down, Blade Trinity, Max Payne and so on) and listening to music (Arcade Fire, Papa Roach, Linkin Park, Limp Bizkit, Slipknot and some others). Hope to see you around guys!