It has been a long time since my last blog and now I don't know how to start this one lol. Last month has been really busy for me, but going through all that busy days, there is always time for a good videogame.
I already started my third year of university (just two more years and I will be out, in the business jungle haha) and I also started a new challenging job: teaching at university. I don't feel so much pressure at university today as I haven't started exams yet (not yet, please :P), but my work takes most of my time these days. Students seem to be learning though and that's great! It means I'm doing a good job lol. Somehow students like me, but I think it's normal due to my age. I'm still working on managing the stress anyway.
My family moved on my native town and now I'm like 2 hours by bus far away from them. I had to stay in the city because of university, so I'm by myself now. It feels weird and I miss my family, but this will be good as I pretend to take a postgrade abroad. I'm training myself :)
I've been having a blast lately playing Call of Duty and Counter-Strike. Not really interested on getting newest videogames at the moment. I'm looking forward of making a good collection starting with some oldies I left behind. And also getting some information to build my own PC. My laptop has saved me lately and I can play anywhere with it, including some game moments in university's cafeteria or classrooms lmao.