This is driving me insane. Workers "strike;" consumers "boycott." What you are talking about here is, in fact, a boycott. Blessings to the one other poster who knows the difference.
Just because you've never heard of it doesn't mean it sucks. There are plenty of great games available right now. I currently own Castlevania II, Gunstar Heroes, Ninja Gaiden, Sonic, Toejam and Earl 2, Mario 64 and Super Metroid (even though I already own the last two outside of the VC). If it weren't for the fact that I still own and play my SNES this list would be quite a bit longer. My point is that a "boycott" of the VC would be depriving gamers of many classic games that they're not even aware of. The solution is not "better" games, it is getting those people that don't know how great some of these games are to play them and spread the word. I understand that there are a lot of crappy games too, but review sites (especially IGN; they've been great with the VC) can usually point you in the right direction if you're unsure about what to buy. Before you abandon the godsend that is the Virtual Console, perhaps you should actually try it. You will be surprised.
Since I mentioned the SNES, here are some games you might consider trying if you haven't already:
SimCity; Super Castlevania IV; Street Fighter II; Zelda: Link to the Past; F-Zero; Contra III; Super Mario World; Donkey Kong Country; R-Type III; Super Ghouls and Ghosts; Super Metroid; Breath of Fire II; Harvest Moon.
There are plenty of others out there, and I suggest that anyone else with more ideas speak up so we can put an end to this nonsense.
EDIT: I finally found this amazing thread. Anyone with an interest in the Virtual Console should check it out:
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