Valek1394 / Member

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Another blog for the sake of blogginginging.

Not 100% evil.... yet.

Okay, so to change things up and show that not EVERY aspect of my personality is embittered and jaded by life and women, a few quick updates:

1) If you have a 360, have access to XBL Marketplace, and have an hour to kill - Download the 'Too Human' demo.

I played this the other night, and it was a blast! The level of customization with items and equipment is impressive, and the skill leveling system is pretty cool as well. I'm not sure how the full game will change this, if at all, but you have your skill tree with two branches (though technically it's three) You have your guns/ranged skills, swords/melee and off of that you have what essentially is magic, but it's not straight up "fire spell" "wind spell" or whatever, it just gives you the ability to infuse your existing melee attacks with a specific element, where the melee tree gives you more physical attacks, and the ranged tree develops into better accuracy, rapid fire attacks, etc. I didn't really mess with the ranged portion to be honest.

The armor and weapons in your equipment menu are pretty intuitive once you get used to it. I admit, I was confused as hell when I first got into it - but about 15 minutes in, after I started getting a lot of loot packed away and trading out old pieces of armor for better ones, and switching to stronger weapons, making new pieces, attaching runes for different effects - before I knew it, I was staring at the screen thinking "man, I am AWESOME."

2) I picked up a new DS lite yesterday, and along with it, I grabbed Final Fantasy III - I used to have a pretty good assortment of DS games when I had my other DS lite, of course - that was a few years ago, I was young, stupid, and my girlfriend at the time turned out to be a thief.

ANYWAYS - This game has got a lot of that old school charm I had been wanting a dose of lately. This game certainly delivers in spades on that front - but it is a tricky devil. Maybe I'm just out of practice, but the difficulty level is certainly up there, which isn't a bad thing, but it's kicking my @$$ pretty good at the moment. I've had to restart the whole game twice now because of my forgetting to save. :cry:

The only other game for the DS that has my attention at the moment is Final Fantasy IV, which I believe was II for the rest of us. I replayed that game a few years ago on a borrowed SNES, and loved it. I've beaten that game probably 5 times, and I come back to it every 3 or 4 years for another round. It's up there in my all time favorites. I would have gotten it yesterday, but since I've NEVER played FFIII, I opted for the story I didn't know.

Good times.