Valek1394 / Member

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I've had to put Skyrim on hold for awhile, not out of petty frustration, or waiting for a patch - I just can't do it right now.

For those of you who don't know, I make my living as an accountant for a large oil company. This has been a rough year for me, personally and professionally - I have never worked more, or harder in my life. I can count on one hand the number of days I've had off since July 1st, including weekends, and don't get me wrong - it's been very fulfilling and I've finally found myself on a path upwards, lining myself up for a possible promotion next year - all the projects I've had under me are finally wrapping up, one more week to go and on December 22nd, at the end of the day, it will all be finished and I will be off for 5 glorious days.... to say nothing of my unused vacation bank, I'll be leaving over 10 days to the ether this year. Ugh.

Throughout the year, I am subject to a series of audits - some are scheduled, others are random. Next week will be the big annual audit - a team of people come in and scrutinize every bit of math I've done for the last 11 months, make sure all the credits and debits are in the proper places and have all the accompanying backup documentation to go with each of them. It is a complete PITA. I'm completely spent, mentally - I've busted my ass this year and I'm finally burning out, and definitely moving into auto-pilot mode as we speak.

That said, my gaming schedule has once again downshifted to less than casual - spending a small portion whatever waking moments I have from when I get home from work late at night and my inevitable mental exhaustion-coma playing Terraria or World of Goo... and even this it's kind of forced.

I need a vacation.

Side note: I find it incredibly obnoxious that Gamespot reformats everything I post, making two or three words into one requiring me to re-edit. Fix it already!