Valek1394 / Member

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"Not enough mana"

I don't know how I got myself into this... well - yes I do. I'm a gamer, and it's my nature. I was sitting in my office Friday, getting ready to head out of town for the weekend to our bay house in Galveston. I knew the weather was not going to be conducive to boating, or chilling out on the deck, but my cousin was in from New York, my aunt was in from Austin, and an uncle was in from New Mexico - and I only get to see them roughly twice a year I wasn't about to sit it out when I could be getting free meals.

Anyhoo - I pondered about games to take with me for the inevitable waking hours where it's just me and my grandfather quietly sitting around reading the paper or watching tv waiting for everyone else to get up. Then I realize: I have NO games going that aren't so epic in scale I would have to devote significant parts of my trip to my handheld. (points if you managed to not read that last sentence and not make a dirty joke..... especially if you're GME or Steel :evil: )

So I go to gamestop and browsed the DS games. I thought about getting the New SMB or Mario 64 DS, but then I saw Phoenix Wright. I had forgotten I wanted that game back when it came out - I snagged it for 20 bucks and off I went. I didn't actually get to start playing it until yesterday afternoon, but I tell you I couldn't put it down. It's exceedingly simple in play, but getting all the little clues and putting the pieces together is addictive fun, and best of all - it's short. I'd almost forgotten what it was like to actually COMPLETE games. My backlog stands as testament. While its number isn't quite as high as some others around here, my collection is also on the small side. I have nearly a 1:1 ratio of owned to incompletes on games I've purchased in the last 3 or 4 years. Sure I've beaten a few, but I've got so many going right now, and most of them are RPGs, it's like, EVERYWHERE I look, I have to go on a side quest, or some fetch quest, or level grind until my eyes bleed. All of which I LOVE mind you. HOWEVER, the reason I skip around in games a lot is because I just don't have the time to devote to these games I love so much... it's almost easier to just start a new game than try to remember what the hell I was trying to accomplish the last time I picked up another one. Lost Odyssey is a good example. I hadn't touched it in like 3 or 4 months until last week. I couldn't for the LIFE of me remember who was where, why, or what I was doing with any of them. I WAS quickly reminded of how much I hate token children in video games though.... which of course leads to my preternatural hatred of ACTUAL children as well.

Disclaimer: Now, for you breeders and baby worshippers out there in minivan land, (by the way... kid worship... not healthy, get help. Quick. Think of the children.) I'm not saying that won't one day change for me, so put away your killing sticks, and spare me the "that'll change when you have your own precious snowflake" speeches.

Moving right along......

I've commented in passing on other blogs about this topic, but I'll go ahead and touch ground on it while it's rolling around in my head: Glitchspot v. 2.0.1

It's still unforgiving with its errors, and vanishing comments, and it seems that it loads and reloads some pages 2 or 3 times depending on what you're clicking on. My #1 gripe though is the tracked blogs, and by proxy, this 'feed' section. I say get rid of it and let my friends blogs take up that whole column. Other than that, I really do like the overall look. It's much cleaner, and makes better use of modern screens... which I appreciate given that most of my internetting is spent here. So kudos to the design team on everything except the tracked blogs, for which I award no points, and may god have mercy on their souls.

... and yes I realize that is not the WHOLE quote, but it doesn't quite fit the context here in it's entirety. :p