This is why it's a bad idea for me to be sober.
I am the only person I know that makes spur of the moment, ultimately bad choices when I'm sober. The reason for this is because I'm a pretty stubborn person, and I have a hard time changing my OWN mind without reasonable justification for an alternative. This first happened to me a couple of Christmas' ago. I wanted a new car... something I mostly talked about doing when I was drunk, but somehow I knew better than to do that, and by the time I woke up the next day, I had forgotten all about it. Sometime in early December that year, having been binging for like 3 weeks straight (literally being drunk almost every night) I decided to take a couple weeks and dry out so I'd be ready for Christmas and New Years parties.... In this time, I started thinking hard about ALL the reasons I should get a new vehicle, and couldn't sway my iron clad will. (Trait only active when sober) Ten minutes later I was driving home in a brand new Toyota Sequoia Limited, fully loaded. In hindsight, and SUV was a HORRIBLE idea. It's expensive by itself, and, happy day, it only takes premium fuel. You can imagine the obscenities that stream from my vocal chords when I'm at a gas station.
I find myself once again right in the middle of yet another self imposed 2 week alcohol break.
... and now I'm sitting next to a 47" Toshiba LCD 1080p something or other.
The moral of the story: Aaron should not be allowed to be sober. EVER.
On the plus side, my games look ****in' AWESOME!
This is left over from a crappy camera I had back in college (note the similarly crappy, recently replaced tv) :
Here's me hung over at some banquet a few months ago. I did NOT want to be there.
and here, more recently, is me being bored in traffic trying to go home (not unlike ET) :
Now everybody leeme lone! :cry:
I keep resizing the damn things and they won't stay. :evil: