Oh fate, ye be a harsh mistress...
So tomorrow, our official "busy season" kicks off. Kane & Lynch, and Assassins Creed are first up... and while K&L doesn't interest me much... for reasons you ALL should be aware of by now - I can appreciate the new spin it's throwing on the multiplayer aspect, "Fragile Alliance" that is a pretty cool setup, and I for one will not deny it.
HOWEVER - There are bigger, and way more awesome fish to fry.. or bat anii for some of you... *looks at GME* The only person we have to find a way to pluralize the word 'anus' for. (street Cred to Steel for his made-up-word-skillz)
Assassins Creed, people. I haven't been this excited for a game in a LONG time; it is second only to Mass Effect. Of course the joke is on ol' Valek, whom no longer has a 360, and I can't spare any cash until probably after the holidays. The gas light is on in my car, and since my paychecks literally VANISH as soon as I get them, there is just no hope for me..
So go on without me... go.... Save yourselves!