I'm trying. I'm REALLY trying not to buy any new games until I've got my backlog beat. I have a filthy dirty habit of buying games and before I finish them, buying another game, then forgetting about the previous one. What I'm left with is a ton of half-way to mostly beaten games. I really want to pick up Rogue Galaxy and God of War 2 for my PS2, and I've come SO close to both of them the last couple of weeks. Seeing them in the store... mocking me from their place on the shelf.
So, my plan is to finish the games I currently have. Right now I'm working on Knights of the Old Republic. I beat the game twice actually a few years ago, but it's one of my favorites, and I rarely make use of the backwards compatibilty of my 360, so I figured what the hell. On a side note, the emulation for this game flat out SUCKS. The videos are choppy and a lot of the audio cuts in and out. I don't have a lot of Xbox games left from last gen, but so far this one has the most trouble.
I was going to play through Crackdown again, just because I was so close to finishing it when my 360 crapped out. I have to admit that I've become a bit of an achievement whore though. Playing back through my 360 games and not seeing that notification pop up kind of gets to me for some reason. Which is part of the reason I picked up an old xbox game. I never noticed before, and as I've said there is no way for me to reset my achievements short of cancelling my account and getting a new one at the sacrifice of my Gamertag. I'd really rather not do that. I'll just have to get over it.
Next on my list is DragonQuest VIII. I can't remember why exactly I put that game down - I was really enjoying it. I think I may have gotten distracted by Guitar Hero. Strange that I'd consider picking up DQ8 again right before Guitar Hero II hits the 360. I've been holding out for that one for a while, and it's definitely in my to buy list.....augh! So many games, so little time.