Stuff n' Junk
by Valek1394 on Comments
Im Aaron, you might remember me from such blogs as Crap I hate, Why I hate crap, or Everyone sucks crap, and heres why I dont write here (much) anymore (apart from a few comments on blogs) as this site has made doing so an exercise in futility. Even now as I type this, I am dreading having to edit/re-edit to fix all the space removals between words and html code that will likely be inserted in order to both allow this to post and have it be at least semi-legible. Not to mention censoring myself for saying some forbidden word like c lass or s tyle Yes, GS - dont fix THAT. Just throw marbles at the keyboard from across the room and see if you can program a new blog/comment interface. Well done indeed. That aside, Ive spent the last several months hunched over some pile of paperwork or another and burning excel spreadsheet grids into my retinas trying desperately to move my career forward, as it stands I still cant tell if Im about to have the last year+ of my professional life wiped away or not. That would suck as Ive bought a new Infiniti FX50s and as much as I like it I dont necessarily want to live in it. SO to offset that thought, Ive also gone out of my way to play some damn video games I got my 360 out of the mothballs a couple months ago, and picked one of the many games I never got around to finishing. The original Saints Row. I quite enjoyed it enough in fact that I bought the SR2 & 3 on Steam. Ive since played through and beaten 2 and am now about halfway through the story line on 3, but I keep getting distracted by all the side stuff which is ridiculous over the top fun. I know I said I didnt care about buying SR3, but I got it on sale for like 11 bucks. I did say I might pick it up from a bargain bin. So there. To break up all my straight OGing, Ive also clicked my way through Torchlight. I wanted to get Diablo III, as I was a huge fan of 1 & 2 I spent many of my late junior high school and early high school nights grinding for loot in those games. Alas, when it came out and I searched out peer reviews I kept reading about the always online DRM normally, I dont much care either way about DRM, as long as its not opening my PC up to the world at large, the games I play are all offline so I just dont concern myself with it. On top of that, it was obviously designed to put people in position to be always exposed to their auction houses, one of which uses real money which apparently is the only place to get decent equipment without farming for hours and hours and hours (and hours) on the last area (for hours) on end no thanks, I already have a full time job. D3 was going to require me to do the opposite of my gaming preferences, chiefly among those being offline and only spending one flat sum of money to play it. So, I skipped it completely despite my strong desire to play. To ease the lack of frantic clicking, I pre-ordered Torchlight II which came with a free copy of the original Torchlight and I have to say it was actually quite fun despite its lack of story, and is a bit reminiscent of the original Diablo. Which I came to find out later the creators of Torchlight were also the creators of Diablo 1 & 2, which explained the similarity in feel as well as why D3 is being such a b*tch. Ive also played through Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet, another Steam purchase quite a fun little puzzler, a bit too much backtracking but still charming in its own right, and upgrading your ship and getting access to all the weapons keeps you going. Short, but a great diversion nonetheless. Lets see, what else have I played I jumped back into Minecraft, its as pointless as ever, but still oddly addictive. This time around I used some of the community mods and texture packs to change things up a bit, and wow some of these mods are games in and of themselves, adding so much complexity its a strange feeling of accomplishment when you go from stacking a couple blocks of dirt to call home to building your first machine to a giant factory with oil piping in from across the world, or building a jetpack to take you farther out. All of it is for nothing but the sake of doing it of course, as is really the case with any game but I find this particular instance to be incredibly enjoyable. My gaming now with the one instance of the 360 has fully switched back to PC, the ease of console gaming over PC has been supplanted by modern installer programs that handle all the major tweaking for you. Steam is by far my favorite means of consumption my stance on digital media has completely reversed, Ive gone from hardcore collector of discs to preferring to never have a physical piece of media ever again. I dont like clutter and thats all that stuff is to me nowadays. My laptop runs games beautifully (when it works) especially when connected to my tv with a full HD hdmi cable when I get my next laptop, probably an Alienware m18x; either later this year or early next on the proviso that Im NOT living in a van down by the river it will be all the better. As for consoles, I think Im done with them for awhile. I wont say never again but next gen for sure Ill be sitting it out.