I'm looking at you, SteelAttack. :evil:
So over the weekend, I decided that I would get rid of my boredom by downloading the PC demo of Overlord.
So I did. It was fun... however it handles a bit like a crack addict in search of a fix. I can imagine though, that the game controls much better on a console. A console that has since been sent to the 10th red ring of hell by yours truly. It has always been my intention to buy a new one - as I stated in my previous blog/rant that you may or may not have read. Incidentally, if you did,and didn't leave a comment, shame on you! I award Smerlus 50 cool points!
The rest of you get old crusty socks. Enjoy.
Anyways, it seems I am going to have to hurry up and get a new 360 before I die of withdrawl. I want to play Overlord, and - in an effort to reawaken a long dead desire to run and gun, I want to pick up The Darkness... because I have heard nothing but good things about it from friends whom, like me, detest the genre from which it hails.
On a note about E3... I was really hoping to see something big from Sony. In terms of gaming I mean. Not this ongoing balancing of console price vs. actual value. I thought that surely at E3 I would see that 'must play' game that would push to to really look at the console, but still they hold nothing that appeals to me. I mean Heavenly Sword looks good, but it's far from being a big enough draw for me to drop the cash. The Xbox got me with Fable and KotOR, not to mention several other titles that came out afterwards that were a lot of fun as well. The 360 got meat X06 where I learned about Mass Effect and Assassins Creed. (Not to mention a massive selection of just awesome games that are out currently) The PS2 was added to my collection for Final Fantasy X, DragonQuest 8, and god knows how many other RPGs I've hammered out on that thing. For the Wii, I want to play the new Zelda, and the party games never fail to amuse. The only thing that hold me back is that, clearly, the Wii doesn't really exist. I can't find it, therefore everyone is lying. There is no Wii. Not unlikethe Spoon in The Matrix.The PS3 though... I just want to go over to Sony developers and shake them until they wake up. I want ALL the systems to do well this gen, because that means more (good) games for me. The better the system does, the better the games will be.
I will now send you on an infinite loop from which you shan't ever return!
(evil laughing and thunder)
The following statement is true:
The above sentence is false.