Oh, it's just him.
I know, I know – I've become an awful blogger. On the bright side I don't solicit you for cash, or force you to review my poorly drawn artwork with captions about how each individual anime character is reflective of my existential crises.
You're welcome.
I won't bore you with all the details of my ongoing absense, but should you wish to be up to speed, here is the cliff notes version: This entire year has been nuts. As I mentioned in one of my only two or three blogs I've managed to post in the last 10 months, there have been some family issues, personal issues with people who I suspected of lying (later confirming their filthy, filthy lies) and so on. The silver lining there is I am now single. I was also in the middle of a huge audit at work, the kind of audit that ultimately resulted in the president being fired for stupidity and general incompetence. Since then, my boss has moved up to fill that position, and I have been working ridiculous hours to support him, as well as (potentially) securing a higer position for myself.
Now then, on to the stuff that matters:
Due to time constraints, I have mostly busied myself with simple games, Plants vs. Zombies served me well, I know it's last year's news, but I was late to the party, okay? More recently, I grabbed Dungeons of Dredmore off Steam, and it is terrific, frustrating fun. It's incredibly hard by design, but the humor found throughout certainly numbs it. It's basic point and click dungeon crawler madness, and if you want the challenge, I strongly suggest dropping the 5 bucks on it and amusing yourself.
The simple games of course were only meant for mild distraction, however. The current jewel in my bat belt of gaming is Deus Ex: Human Revolution.
I preordered this game about a week before release on Steam. I had been toying with getting it on release or waiting a few months, but ultimately, I had enjoyed the original so much, I was really only kidding myself. Deep down, I knew I would buy it asap, and so I did.
What can I say that hasn't already been said? I'll just give my critiques: My biggest problem with the game is that the character animations during the dialog sequences drive me nuts… I don't want them to hold perfectly still, but the sporadic movements of the arms and head is… I don't know, it just bugs me… It does lack some of the depth from the original, but this game has got everything where it needs to be, and makes it all count. It's definitely not the usual "run in and shoot everything randomly" type of FPS. Its focus is definitely on the stealth, whether you like it or not. Fortunately, I love it.
There are a few ways to approach the different missions, and several variables to the different situations and conversations, you'll be hard-pressed to find them all in even a second play through. All your augments require energy which is represented by batteries that run along under your health. Which is fine, but only one cell recharges on its own, meaning there is an element of resource management as the other cells can only be replenished with energy bars found in the game. I am not a fan of this mechanic, and would like to have seen an upgrade to allow for two or three of the cells to recharge, but I understand their thinking in choosing to do it this way. Doesn't make it any less annoying – I'm just saying I get it. Unfortunately, it forced me into playing the game with just one cell my first run through, avoiding upgrades that require more power as it's simply the most efficient way to play, which made my investment into more energy cells a waste.
So those are my gripes. Over all, the game is fantastic; more than able to rise above any of my issues with it – I would highly recommend it to any gamer out there. The story and the characters are enjoyable, the environments are fun to explore, and you play as an ass-kicking cyborg, what's not to like?