There are now 4. Count them, FOUR PC games on my tracked and wish lists.
In no particular order:
Diablo III
Starcraft II
Space Siege
The last of which merely caught my interest this morning - but it made me think..
"Man - I hope PC games find a way to make a comeback"
It's not that I don't enjoy the consoles - I do...they're easier to deal with, the controller doesn't really change - no upgrades, or outdated drivers to mess with. At the same time though - I miss playing a good RTS game - or pointing and clicking in Diablo dungeon crawlers amassing loot because you can. I'm not pining for the old days or anything, but I'm getting burned out on console gaming, I want to change it up. I actually tried to find my old Diablo game the other night. I didn't - with my luck it's buried in the back of the storage closet under the stairs. Never to be seen again.
Maybe I'll go pick up Diablo II to sate myself.
I went out last night after work to Best Buy and bought the Diablo Battlechest - Diablo, Diablo II and it's expansion all in one.
I loaded up the first one, just to see how well it held up.
Graphically : Not well at all. By comparison the pixelated mess on my screen was barely recognizeable by today's standards.
Gameplay wise : the game is as solid as ever - and that it much more important. Sure there are a few things it could benefit from, like, I dunno... a RUN option... however, mercy and forgiveness can be given, because for god sake, it's over a decade old. It terms of technology, thats like... the cretacious period or something. So now I'm playing Diablo, to break up my GTA'ing and Lost Odyssey'ing.
By the way - don't think I haven't noticed you bastards that don't comment. You know who you are.
I'm coming for you. :evil: