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Console Wars, Do We Really Need 'Em?

Everyone knows about them.... CONSOLE WARS!

I will be discussing a new PS3, Wii, PC game I bought recently with my friends on XBOX LIVE, and some random fanboy will say something very typical such as;

"XBOX 360 KILLS Wii/PS3"




So I just simply reply to them, "Each console has it's own unuique advantage, Wii has a family fun factor, PS3 has graphics and some new ideas to heighten gaming experiences,the Xbox 360 has a good selection of games and software and the PC has huge graphics power and allows people to make cool mods."

They will probably then, remain silent or just say: "Urghhh... DO I CARE!?" etc.

From what I've seen console wars just seem to make people ignorant, and not see how one console seems to have better qualties than the other. Also if there was only one brand of console, it would allow game developing companies to spend less money and time developing for other genres and having to delay them, because of difficulties with one console. One console with; The Graphics capabilites of a PS3, The Software of an Xbox 360 and The Fun off a Wii. The only reason I have not said the upgradeableness of a PC, is because this makes it even more awkward for companies to design games as they do not know what everyone is using. (Software and Hardware-wise.)

Now, I've only been gaming for about 8 years, (since I was 5), and I really don't see the point in why I should have to buy a seperate console to play a certain game. For example: MGS4:GOP (PS3), Gears of War (Xbox 360), The Legend of Zelda (Nintendo DS, Wii) etc.

I would not mind having to buya DS or PSP for the time being as they are portable consoles, but having 3 different brands of home consoles just seems to bea bit of a rip off.

Please comment, no fanboyishness please, since this blog post is against this anyway.

- Vampire Turtle :shock:

*EDIT* Space and Spelling Issues