If this happens, EA will have ruined yet another game. EA bought out BioWare which I am absolutley horrified at, I remember the classics they brought such as Baldur's Gate and NWN. And recently Mass Effect, I think EA will rush the BioWare developing team and the game will turn out to be a dissapointment to all.
If EA buy out Take-Two they will ruin 3 series which I care about, The Elder Scrolls, BioShock and GTA. Now I'm not a huge fan of GTA at all, but I understand how important it is to the gaming community that this game does not suck. BioShock was and still is a great game, with a stunning atmosphere and it's own artistic way of liquid like graphics, also they wrote a good story with a plot twist to kick a mule's own buttocks! I was never into the Elder Scrolls series until the time that Oblivion came out, then it turned out to be one of my favourite series.With it's open-ended gameplay and its great story and gameplay design.
If EA buys out this company, they will ruin 3 great series almost certainly. And as we all know very well, EA like to port games to every console possible. I can see it now... "BioShock a chilling tale under the Atlantic Ocean, coming to DS, XBox 360, PS3, PS2, GBA, Wii and Gamecube!"
The reason why games turn out to be better if they are designed for a specific console, is that they can incorporate the strengths of each of them. The PS3 has powerful kick-ass hardware, with a huge disc space to match. The XBox 360 has great online play and a big online community which are very competetive. The Wii has its own unique gameplay mechanics and a somewhat childish appeal.
Face it, EA = Cancer For Video Games.
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