2010 will be a better year for the X360 compared to 2009
Vasot's forum posts
My Xbox360 runs great all this time.
No RROD at all.
The PS3 boys have the tendency to create topics like this for just bashing the Xbox...
Xbox with bluray ???
NEVER !!!!
Xbox360 sells great without it anyway and has many great games in DVD
Also by having a Hard disk in your console you do not really need Bluray ;)
Microsoft will never support a big opponents technology.
TIP: MS is already working for their own Media store solution but of course it will be available only in the next generation Xbox ;)
[QUOTE="Vasot"][QUOTE="division_9"][QUOTE="shamrock2345"][QUOTE="TrevCubsOr21"]you get what you pay for... thats y PS3 costs more than the 360
what makes ps3 worth more than 360 mate?
Isnt it dead obvious?.
It is probably obvious only in your head
No it just isn't obvious for you.
You are right....
To bad that i am not a fanboy like you so it will never be obvious for me...
Any way you see it the playstation 3 is the way better value for you money and let me explain why i think so.
*At 399.99 your getting a bluray player that happens to play games, or a gaming console that happens to play bluray movies
*80 gb hardrive in microsoft logic is worth atleast 100.00 and thats included theyre 60gb hardrive is 149.99.
*wifi comes built in as HDMI in every playstation 3, on the 360 core your not getting HDMI unless you get an elite.
If you get the bare bones 360 priced at 199.99 your gonna eventually need a hardrive just look at burnout you cant play on the 360 unless you have a hardrive (add 149.99 to your "better value" sytem and comes out to 349.98 and still lacking in features like wifi (add another 100.00) and no bluray player).
Anyway you think about it the playstation 3 cheapest 80gb model suprasses the 360 elite model in features, just because of the standard built in wifi, standard bluray player, and built in bluetooth which adds alot of 3rd party support from keyboards to headsets etc, and to top it off its a way better built Machine more reliable which is a big plus in my eyes.S
The games are rolling out every month with some of the best exclusives and the same multiplatform games on the 360.GrandTheftANL
1) Bluray is a waste that has little use right now. There are a few movies in Bluray most of them are get released in DVD
2) Irrelevant and the prices depend of where you live
3) Both Xbox360 Elite AND Xbox360 Premium have HDMIso get your facts straight....only the 360 core has not HDMI but again it is as cheap as a Wii so no complaints about that
Xbox360 has a bigger variety of games, more DLC and a better online support. The xbox360 is a better choice for the all-aged gamer and with way better price from the PS3
[QUOTE="shamrock2345"][QUOTE="TrevCubsOr21"]you get what you pay for... thats y PS3 costs more than the 360
what makes ps3 worth more than 360 mate?
Isnt it dead obvious?.
It is probably obvious only in your head
Add "Buy both" into the poll
If you have the money buy both games
Personally i will buy End War for my PC and Halo Wars for my Xbox360 ;)
Single player games are better and with a better story and more interesting missions most of the times
I do not want to be forced to share my gaming experience with strangers from the internet and just playing some mindless killing skirmish game ...
I prefer playing solo and enjoy a great game just for myself and not to be interfered with idiots from the internet...
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