[QUOTE="Bgrngod"][QUOTE="zipozal"][QUOTE="Bgrngod"] blah blah blah
"Sigh fanboys" HardOCP lost it's crediblity because they blantantly lied numerous times and banned members to try to cover their tracks, when it could not be contained, after weeks of him calling the people making all the claims loons and what not he finally had to make an apology not because he wanted to admit what he did, but because if he didn't his site may have died.
And ya they forgot to mention their using GTS 512s... no big deal though I'm sure they won't freak out and ban a hundred users when someone points it out :lol:
btw 2 3870s in Crossfire stock might not be quite as fast as an x2, but because they have DDR4 you can OC them the quite a bit my point being my X38 mobo has 3 slots so I could put in 3 3870's if I wanted to...
3 3870's = 560-580
Either way even if you can pull out of this Nvidia is the winner here the point was more to show that CrossfireX is actually pretty dam good unlike what NvidiaOCP reported.
I'll add in though the 8800 series is documented to take a much bigger hit when you move up to 8x
So someone could by 3 3870's and get lower performance then if they had bought 2 GTS cards for cheaper.
Awesome. Way to go ATI. Thumbs way up. Grats on not even being able to get 2 3870x2 cards to run Crysis either. Definitely a huge way to earn bonus points with the gaming community.
All this does is prove that Nvidia is cheaper, and gives you better performance per dollar. Maybe Hardocp is onto something here?
But your performance will tank if you want AA higher then 4x with the 8800's and with the exception of Crysis you pretty much have enough room to move up to 8AA or higher on any game with that kind of setup..
You don't get dual monitor support either! I just bougth a second monitor today because I wanted more room for when I'm doing a billion different things like I am right now..
Another thing you'll miss is an intel chipset..the X38 Overclocks far better then the SLI chipsets which all do a poor job of ocing quad cores.
Seems to me that you dont know what you are saying.Do you know that nvidia 8800 has CSAA?You can run 16xQ CSAA at better performance than 8xMSAA.I know CSAA is not perfect but i thought with your comment that you really dont know about it.
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