VegitaX25 / Member

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hope pokemon comes through+ memories...

mystery dungeon will probably do pretty well

Pokemon Diamond and Pearl will hopefully have an all new experience with all new monsters and adventures to be had. Just hope it comes out with some new things, fixed all cons and disappoinments, and masters what it is known for and every other little thing/feature it has ever had.

and Rangers... the RPG experience looks like it will be much more involved this time around, but where is all the pokemon features we always loved. I mean the battling could have been replace (maybe) with something, but i'm just not yet getting the feel of going around in circles with my stylus to defeat enemies + crap. So if the whole "action" experience JUST revolves around that idea, i SERIOUSLY hope they can AT LEAST add a couple more/extra features to this "battle" sequencing alone. Anyway, if this is it, what the hell is the use of having pokemon!?!?!? It almost defeats the purpose!! I mean, yah sure, pick one to use and use it's special ability to help draw circles around the enemy. Whoopidy-skiplong-doo... In all the past recent games, pokemon have had special abilities and all, but it was almost nothing!, fun (don't get me wrong) but nothing compared to the value of the rest of the game. And if it is all barely useing pokemon for nothing...this game will suck...maybe not for the RPG experience or the amount of Pokemon, but for the use of them and how it is brought about...  to save it, they need to add some more things to this "battling" thing with "circles."  I mean, hey, im determining all this from the Japanese crap I learned from, this is just all i know, maybe there is a whole lot more too it....but then maybe there's not....Let's just pray there is...right now....based on my knowledge... i'm not sure I even want to think about how you "catch" Pokemon... if you even do..... this is a weird game that has the possibility of revolutionizing a new kind of Pokemon as we know it today...if they do it just far...i look at it as almost half of it is good. i just hope it works out. they got to fix the irritating, repetative, and non-pokemon feeling gameplay. Right now, the only thing that looks anywhere close to being really good is the connectivity, characters, and appearences of pokemon. Now if they make a good, addictive + LONG storyline (though non linear)(+possibly somehow, a sandbox...storyline!!!);and an effective gameplay experience: non repetative, good graphics, addictive + "cool" play, a feel that it IS Pokemon, and most importantly: gameplay that does not totally suck, and gamplay that is not meaningless!

Sorry i went on so long... just what i think... and i really feel bad right now too....I just got a 11 week old Tabby kitten from my grandma's cats' litter that I named Tommy just about 6 days ago along with his kalico sister, Suzie...they were the best pair of kittens anyone could have.....just yesterday.... I swear i knew something bad was going to happen.... i go around looking for them... and I hear a deep vulgar cry from right behind me.... my Tommy was lying on the ground right on the cement in from of the garage.....dying.....I wasn't sure what to think at first... I was just thinking... "hm.. maybe he's just sick... better go tell mom to take him to a vet quick" i got my mom out, and she said he was dying....and there was nothing we could do....his mouth, paws, anything with bright pink color was turning to a cold white....a puddle of urine has been created from what was left in his bladder....he had no control of anything...especially the fact that he was nearly dead...we pick him up....and. his head..just dangled down...he couldn't move, he was paralyzed...because he feel from a bush....and broke his neck on the's just horrible..we watched him die right in my mom's hand....spasms and all...that once playful kitten that never in 2 hundred million years would have ever deserved something like that was dead, because he was too playful....................let his spirit live on forever...

at least we still got our sweet Suzie and our new kitten, Teddy, we just got today. Teddy's a bit shy and chubby, but he'll do just fine.