Call of Duty 4. Although single-player is very short (but interesting), it's worth buying just for multi-player. Imo CoD 4 is one of the best multi-player FPSs.
Hi! I've just registered on GameSpot and decided to see how the Forum looks like. I went to the most interesting sub-forum for me - 'PC & Mac Games'. And what have I seen there? Complete mess. Lots of unsegregated topics about many different subjects. At this point, I have an idea. What would I do is to segregate it all in few sub-forums, like 'FPS', 'RTS', 'RPG', 'MMO', 'Others', etc. It would be much easier to orientate in whole the Forum. What do you think about my idea? Venator_
Battlefield 2142. When I started playing I realized that there are very few servers in my country. I regret, that I had not checked it before buying the game. Furthermore, the gameplay was not for me. Too large maps, too long distances. I prefer direct combat, like in CoD4.
In my opinion if you don't want to buy anything via Steam - don't bother downloading it (unless you've got a game of Valve and have to downlad it...). Xfire does everything better - it is faster and easier to use.
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