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A rant on outrageous behaviour on Gamespot

Have any of you participated in the Reader's votes for all the different categories for 2010?

I did, and to be honest, I've been appalled by some of the behaviour immature Gamespotters have done.

For example, lately I posted a comment on the genre awards section - Best RPG. I commented, that IN MY OPINION Fallout: New Vegas deserved this. Later today I got a message in my inbox from a GS user telling me that I was wrong! I went mental! What right does someone have to question my opinion, absolutely atrocious, and guess what? I get 15 thumbs down just for stating my opinion! :x

Another example is best driving game, I voted Split/Second and commented that Split/Second was my favourite racing game of 2010. But for sharing my opinion with the community of Gamespot, I get the comment blocked out because it received so many thumbs down. It's unacceptable behaviour to thumb down someone for their opinion, especially over the 2010 awards. There are some really immature people that were commenting in inappropriate ways saying "Why didn't RDR win this" or "How much is Rockstar paying Gamespot?" or even "**** Gamespot, I thought I could trust them, I'm going to IGN who know what they are talking about". Well mate you do that, **** off to IGN, Gamespot doesn't need ***** like you on the site!

People fail to understand Gamespot are NOT telling them which is the best game, they are simply choosing a game that IN THEIR OPINION was better than the other nominees. It's an opinion, why do so many people question that?!


Sorry about that, had to get it off my chest you know.