As you all know, Dead Space 2 is my most anticipated game (ever!), and I just got an update today about a collectors edition for it.
Now I'm not the type of gamer to buy into limited or collectors editions, but this one shined above other offers I've seen.
The Dead Space 2 collectors edition includes:
- Replica of Isaac's sidearm - The Plasma Cutter, also comes with trigger activated LED lights! :D
- CD complete with over an hour of soundtrack and a "Scoring of Dead Space 2 featurette".
- Redeemable code for exclusive access to the Unitology Suit and Force Gun DLC.
- Lithograph depicting concept art of a necromorph transformation.
- If you pre-order - Dead Space: Ignition prequel.
- PS3 exclusive - Dead Space:Extraction for Move support (fend_oblivion reminded me) :D :P
Sounds, and looks,brilliant! Now I just have to wait and find out how much it will cost, hopefully within my wallet amount :)
The second and final part of my top 10 scariest enemies blog series will resume tomorrow :)
Miss the first part? Click here then! :D
Thanks for reading,
- Scott :D