I don't know how many of you will read this, I myself find this site challenging to navigate and find what I want now, but this is basically my last blog ever, no coming back from this one.
This site used to be fantastic. I met some great people and loved reviewing games and writing blogs aswell as reading yours and generally keeping up with your lives and gaming experiences. But as you now, Gamespot has changed, and unforgivably so. I'll just put it out there as simply and truthfully possible - this site is complete s*** now. It's ruined everything I liked, even down to something as simple as rating games by scrapping the .5 on the rating scale. Why? We don't know. But I do know I've had enough of this place for a while now, ever since it got numerous bugs and overall made pathetic alterations to an otherwise likeable design.
I hate not being able to figure out the new presentation, with friend's blogs more awkward to find and not conveniently placed like before. My profile page is ruined, and it sucks to admit it so bluntly in a negative way. But the truth hurts, and that's that.
I hope if you managed to find this review, that if you can, make sure to add me on PSN - DARK_RAPTOR_7 as I would hate to lose complete contact with my remaining friends here who haven't left.
It was a fun few years. Good luck to you all in the real world. The good times here have finally come to a halt. This is me signing off for good.
Much brotherly love,
Scott :)