Hey everybody, many thanks to the people who've commented on this blog series thus far, here is my choice for most violent PS3 game. :)
#1 - Aliens vs Predator
I'm sure many of you have seen Ridley Scott's 1979 sci-fi horror 'Alien'? And then John McTiernan's ultra-brutal sci-fi thriller 'Predator' 8 years later? Each of these movies depicts 2 completely different alien species hunting their prey one by one, picking off each and every person with chilling skill and precision. Well the 2010 video game lets you be both of these aliens from a first-person perspective, giving you complete control of who dies in what order, and how you go about doing it as stealthily and brutally as you can.
There are 3 campaigns: Predator, Alien and Marine. The Marine campaign is the least entertaining, and of course, the less bloody. The reason for this choice as number 1, is because of the brutal and truly gruesome kill moves you can perform on unsuspecting enemies from behind or in front with each alien. With Predator, you can actually physically rip the spine out of a human for trophies, impale people with your wristblades, rip out their throat with your blades, and many, many more variations which are certainly the highlight of this sporadically problematic First-Person shooter. But Predator, as you know from the movies, is a devastatingly skillful alien soldier with all sorts of unique weapons in his armory. You have the plasma cannon mounted on his shoulder, which will explode enemies, you have the spear which can pin enemies to walls, and you have his sharp and famous wristblades to hack and slash at fleshy foes.
The Alien campaign consists also of stealth, but obviously, you are limited to just your physique as a weapon, and therefore need to get right up close to enemies to get kill moves. As Alien you can impale soldiers with your tail, and watch as it goes in their spine, and then right out the opponents mouth, stab them with your tail right in the face puncturing eye balls, claw throats out, and the most famous - The mouth bite, which hovers to an inside-of-the-mouth view, before biting a chunk out of the head. All the deaths are extremely violent, and you'll never see a movie with these graphic kill moves in sadly (we can hope :D ) but just being in control of two of the most famous alien antagonists is a real joy.
Here's a video I found with many different kill moves from Alien and Predator - Enjoy! :D
Well thats the end of this blog series, thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed it :)