Well, here's the first part of my next top 10 list, consisting ofmy opinions on the most violent PS3 games currently out. Hope you like it.
#10 - Grand Theft Auto IV
Though there is no explicit gore, Grand Theft Auto's long running series still packs a punch with its frequent amount of violence, and the freedom you have to execute your path through everyone in your way is really something that draws attention to it. GTA IV is no different, though being on the PS3, the violence will undoubtably have a much bigger impact. Solid gunplay with spurts of blood are frequent during shootouts, and with realistic physics, you can sadistically mow down anyone when ina vehicle. You can shoot civilians and start war with the police, precisely target legs to slow down foes, and make headshots awesome to witness.
Here's a video I found showcasing some random examples of the violence you can cause. :D
#9 - X-Men Origins: Wolverine
This is what the movie should have been. :P You play as Wolverine, and with his sharp blades protruding from his knuckles, you can dismember and slice apart enemies complete with plenty of gore. Cutscenes also contain plenty of over-the-top violence, with one such scene seeing Wolverine jump onto a helicopter, grab the pilot, and hold him up to be beheaded by the rotating blades. Gruesome, but always enjoyable!
Here's a gore montage video worth watching :P
#8 - Saw
Ever wanted to get that Reverse Bear trap from the movies on your head? If you play Saw, you'll literally be in that position. Fail, and your characters jaw becomes permanently ripped open with gruesome effects! Saw the video game is very violent and full of grisly imagery, from victims being stuck in vicious looking traps, to you yourself having to burn your flesh in acid to grab a much needed key, Saw doesn't hold back on the gory details that make the movies so popular.
If you don't mind spoilers or simply don't want to play the game, check out all the death scenes from Saw :D
Well, thats the first part of my list, thanks for reading :)