If you didn't know already, I am indeed M0wen10, and if you missed that final blog under that name, then this new account was purely made for a fresh start. Which means new theme, new in-depth reviews , but still the same person :)
So welcome to my new profile, I hope if you read my reviews, you at least find them helpful, and hopefully even enjoy them. They are far longer than previous reviews, so I don't bother proof reading through them, so if you encounter mistakes in spelling or grammar, then I apologise now :)
I hope this new change doesn't confuse you all too much, maybe I should have a chosen a name similar to before. I will miss the M0wen10 account (especially the awesome theme I had lol), but these changes were for the best.
Blogging will continue as usual shortly, goodbye for now, and thankyou for tracking me :)