I had the good fortune to obtain a job at Office Depot a few weeks back. It's an organized, welcoming workplace and the staff are a blast to work with (we make so many smart-ass remarks about customers after they walk out that I cannot shop at a store without feeling that the same is being done to me). At the very start, it was pretty rough. There was an online course I had to take that told me the basics of the company and how to work for them that literally lasted 10 hours. It is impossible to fathom how slow time travels when you are sitting in the same spot listening to someone talk about things like sales rates and combo packages. After enduring through this 'torture initiation (the words of the manager himself), I managed to get hired and things went uphill from there. But, there is one thing that you cannot escape in the world of retail, no matter how great the place is that you work it. I speak of annoying customers. There are two in particular that make me want to bludgeon them in the head with my Motorola mic/walkie-talkie until their skull caves in ala Pan's Labyrinth. These are the penny-pinching misers and the last-minute shoppers.
The penny-pinchers are annoying because they have a tendency to waste my time by demanding to know why the totalled expense was thirty cents more than the one they had calculated at HOME. I will almost always have to void the entire transaction (which involves calling the manager over to input a special code) and going through it again SLOWLY so she (I say 'she' because the only penny-pinchers I have encountered are women) can watch each and every swipe I make with the bar-code scanner. Meanwhile, a line that is roughly the length of the Titanic has accumulated behind this person, and the customers in this line start to become annoyed. After she points out in a smug tone that the computer did not apply the 2% discount on her 5-pack of ballpoint pens and manages to leave, I then have to deal with a dozen or so irate shoppers. Congrats you money-whoring b*tch, I hope those two dimes you saved was well worth it.
Last-minute shoppers should be self-explanatory. They are something that ANYONE who hass worked in retail for at least a week has fantasies about torturing. Five minutes before your store closes, you will start wrapping things up and closing your register out. The staff who monitored the floor whip out the vacuum and mops, and half the lights are turned out. One minute before your manager (who is in a running position about twenty feet from the entrance) can lock the doors, in comes a single person through the front doors. You watch, incredulous, as they stride in, are TOTALLY unaware (or they aren't and get sick pleasure out of this) of the obvious signs of closure, and ruin any chance you had of getting home in the next half hour. When the floor staff quickly get to her and ask what they need, they will ALWAYS reply with a cheerful "Oh, I'm just browsing". Was it so Goddamned hard to browse sometime in the last ten hours? But please, don't mind us. After all, we've been here for only eight to ten hours, and are in no way sore, hungry, tired, or eager to get home. Yes, do go ahead and pick through the paperclip selection. Who knows, there could be a golden dollar in there. Or the map to Atlantis even. Oh, you found nothing in your forty-five minutes of dawdling and are FINALLY leaving? Think nothing of it, my fellow coworkers and I adored every second of awaiting you to make up your farking mind on what you wanted.
I love my newest job, don't get me wrong. It's probably one of the best ones a college student could nab. But I hold a special place in my imaginary hell for the kind of people listed above/