...or vice-versa. Behold.
Now, not only does this little **** resort to barbaric methods to solve his problems, but he even fails at EXECUTING those methods. Anyone who has seen his fair share of action flicks will immediately notice that he is wielding a variant of the renowned AK-47, the AKS-47 with folding stock to be precise. Now, these durable bastards fire a big round. 7.62mm. Can leave a fist-sized exit wound. And they hit hard. Now, presuming this idiot owns the weapon (a scary thought) and didn't rent it from an acquaintance, then he probably knows this. If so, then he would have thought twice about standing ONE GODDAMN FOOT away from a piece of machinery made of thick rigid plastic, silicone, and metal when SHOOTING at it with the aforementioned round. After expending the 30-round clip, he switches to an AR-15, which fires a high-velocity 5.56mm round. Again, shrapnel hazard= through the ****ing roof. He did not even take the precaution to wear goggles for Christ's sakes. However, the thought of razor-sharp shards of such materials flying into his eyes and blinding him IS satisfying. It would reduce the chance of his 60 point IQ being passed on to his children. I guess phenomenal stupidity IS required to be a fanboy after all. If you are any self-respecting Sony fan, I suggest that you do NOT flaunt this video, because if morons like the one who created it are people you support...there goes what little credibility you had to begin with. Even if he wore protection, it's flat-out disturbing. This person seems like the kind of lunatic who will eventually snap and take an elementary school hostage.