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Monthly Rant: The 'Cultured' Bigots


It's 2:00AM, I don't have work tomorrow, and I'm bored. That's right, it's rant time,suckas.

This month's rant is going to be about the king of snobbery. Those uptight, elitistjerkwadswho are just begging for a kick in the groin. I speak of none other than the'cultured'crowd. Notice how I put it in commas, emphasising a heavy'notactuallyso'vibe. You know, if this were a video, I could just do that whole finger-thing (See; Dr Evil: "Laser"). Anyways, these are those people who think they are incredibly intelligent and can interpret deep things that the ignorant masses cannot. Not once do they even consider that they might also be just as ignorant and are often regurgitating findings and views that were spouted by others (often by fellow'cultured'individuals). Now, apparently, to be'cultured', one must hate practically anything and everything American. Not only must you loathe any product of the land of the free and home of the brave, but you must be incredibly open about aforementioned hatred and tell anyone with earshot about it. For example, I'm in a pleasant little coffeehouse joint (these, unfortunately, attract those kind of people), and have decided that I'll just order some Lay's chips and a coke while I study for finals. I sit down in a corner, get to munching...and notice this gentleman from across my table staring at me as if an Alien larva had just erupted from my chest. This guy was complete with beretand Mac laptop. We are talking "Holy crap, those stereotypes actually exist!?" factor here. All that was missing was the turtleneck sweater and the stench of BO. Anyways, after a few seconds of silently staring back in perhaps one of the most awkward moments of my life, I slowly start to resume chewing again, and look back down at my book to research the ever-so-interesting topic of loopholes in the Checks and Balances system of the US government. Lo-and-behold, the stereotype-incarnate began to speak; "You know...pockyisa lothealthier than potato chips. You should consider investing in that instead."Pockyis a Japanese pastry product that you will often findNaruto-obsessedcosplayersconstantly chowing down on. That's right, it's another average food product that's only gotten so much attention in this country because its foreign. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Mr. Chic there only watched cheap, obscure films from Soviet Bloc countries that don't exist anymore ("They simply convey the depth of emotion in a much more subtle and effective fashion than *scoff* American cinema"). Oh yeah, and their whole 'It's only cool if it's not mainstream' thing. Does that just not reek of longing to be different and unique. Self-esteem issues ahoy, Cap'n! And speaking of films in this subject; There are the so-called deep films that these people put up on infallible pedestals. A prime example is DonnieDarko. Now, I am not saying that anyone who liked DonnieDarkois a pretentiousasshat. But the people I'm talking about tend to react to my opinions of it with "Well, if you were simply capable of understanding it, you would appreciate it". When I was supposed to understand, and an explanation of the concept of parallel universes and how it can really be applied to it...I just get blank stares and more excuses at how my lack of understanding is still to blame for me not liking it to, say, A Beautiful Mind. Listen up, if something is hard to comprehend because its so convoluted, it is not deep (I'm looking at you, people who think MGS2'splot is the pinnacle of storytelling).

In conclusion, being cultured is not hating anything that originates from or is popular in your respective nation. Nor pretending to understand things that you don't. No one is falling for your ruse, and you're just coming off as a certain lower-body orifice. You may want to think you are an intelligent, special somebody, but you're doing more harm to your image by not accepting that you're most likely just an average joe. Or, maybe you are gifted with superior intellect. If that's the case, then you can do something far more productive with your mind by actuallybecoming cultured. Either way...I hope you all choke on your biscottis.